Article XVIII - DISPENSING OF CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES1. A controlled substance in Schedule II, III, IV or V, which is a prescription drug, shall not be dispensed without a valid prescription or a valid order.2. A controlled substance in Schedule V which is not a prescription drug may be dispensed pursuant to a valid prescription or it may be dispensed without a prescription provided that: A. The substance is dispensed by a pharmacist. The pharmacist shall be responsible for the record keeping of the dispensing.B. No more than 120cc (4 ounces) is dispensed to the same purchaser or for the same person in any given 72 hour period.C. No more than two (2) sales in any seven (7) day period and no more than three (3) sales in any thirty (30) day period of any non-prescription controlled substance is made to the same purchaser or made for the same person. Additional sales shall be by prescription only.D. The substance is dispensed bearing a label which contains the expiration date and any other information needed by the consumer for the safe and effective use of the substance.E. The substance is dispensed for a bona fide medical need and the purchaser furnishes information to the pharmacist which establishes a bona fide need for the controlled substance.F. The purchaser furnishes to the pharmacist identification which shall include the purchaser's name, address and date of birth. The purchaser must be at least eighteen (18) years of age.G. A bound record book is maintained which contains the name and address of the purchaser, name and quantity of controlled substances sold, date of each sale, initials of the dispensing pharmacist, and the legible signature of the purchaser. This book shall be maintained for a period of two (2) years form the date of the last transaction and must be made available for inspection and copying by agents of the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy.3. A prescription for an anorectic and/or central nervous system stimulant classified in Schedule II which is written for the treatment of obesity is not a valid prescription. Miss. Code. tit. 30, pt. 3001, art. XVIII