Article IV - LICENSE RENEWAL AND CONTINUING EDUCATION Each pharmacist shall renew his/her license annually.
1. To renew his/her license, a pharmacist shall:A. Submit an application for renewal on the form prescribed by the Board or through the online process found at the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy webpage; B. On the application, indicate and certify the number of continuing education hours earned for Licensure: i. Fifteen (15) hours of continuing education is required for each licensure period. ii. At least two (2) hours of the continuing education received each year must be related to opioid abuse and prevention or some other drug of abuse or addiction related issue.iii. At least two (2) hours of the continuing education received each year must be obtained via a live seminar. Live webcasts are valid for this requirement.iv. A pharmacist licensed by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy must be a registered user of the Prescription Monitoring Program. C. Pay renewal fees as follows: One-hundred dollars ($100.00) for the annual licensure period January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011, and each annual licensure period thereafter, plus a surcharge of five dollars ($5.00) to fund a program to aid impaired pharmacists and pharmacy students for a total fee of one-hundred and five dollars ($105.00).D. Any pharmacist license renewal application postmarked after December 31 of the renewal period or submitted online after 11:59 P.M. CST shall be returned or rejected and a fifty dollar ($50.00) late renewal fee shall be assessed prior to renewal.E. Any license not renewed by January 1st shall be considered invalid and the pharmacist is prohibited from providing pharmacy services until the license is renewed. 2. Any person who has not renewed or possessed a valid license to practice pharmacy in Mississippi for a current period of time exceeding two years must: A. Petition the Board for license reinstatement; B. Appear before the Board in support of said petition; C. Obtain an intern registration and work as an intern for a Board approved pharmacist and site for twenty (20) clock hours for each year that the person was without a valid license;D. Provide a record from the supervising pharmacist showing the satisfactory completion of the intern hours;E. Provide proof of fifteen (15) hours of continuing education for the current licensing period; F. Pay all license renewal fees in arrears; and G. Satisfactorily pass an examination on Pharmacy Law and Board regulations approved by the board.3. Those persons who have been actively engaged in the practice of pharmacy pursuant to a license issued by another state, but who have not renewed the Mississippi Pharmacist License for a period of time exceeding two years must: A. Petition the Board for reinstatement; B. May appear before the Board in support of said petition, or furnish proof of a continuing valid pharmacy license in another state during the period of license lapse in Mississippi; C. Provide proof of fifteen (15) hours of continuing education for the current licensing period; and D. Pay all license renewal fees in arrears; and E. Satisfactorily pass an examination on Pharmacy Law and Board regulations approved by the Board.4. For purposes of these regulations, all continuing education hours shall be: A. Programs which have been approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (A.C.P.E.); or B. Programs which have been approved by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy prior to presentation. 5. The continuing education required for license renewal shall be obtained in the licensure period preceding the renewal date. Evidence of continuing education shall be submitted to the Board of Pharmacy at any time on request by any agent of the Board of Pharmacy. Documentation of evidence of continuing education should indicate the name and address of the participant, date of the continuing education, the program title, the amount of continuing education credit received, and the signature of the person authorized to issue certification of continuing education credit. Documentation of continuing education credit must be received within five (5) working days of a request. Failure to submit evidence of continuing education credit may result in disciplinary action by the Board.6. Continuing education obtained in another state may be accepted by the Mississippi Board of Pharmacy provided that it is acceptable to the Board of Pharmacy in the state where it was obtained. 7. A request for Pharmacy Board approval of a program as continuing education shall be made on a form prescribed by the Board.8. The subject matter of the program, the objectives of the program and the qualifying credentials of the person or persons presenting the program must be sufficiently detailed in the request for Board approval so as to give the Board a sound basis for evaluating the merits of the program. 9. In approving programs for continuing education, the policy of the Board shall be that no program will be approved: A. After the program has been presented; B. If program attendance is expected or required as part of a person's employment (an example would be an in-service or training seminar); C. That is not made available to all pharmacists who wish to attend (an exception may be a program that is specifically directed to a particular group such as hospital pharmacists, retail pharmacists or consultant pharmacists).10. Continuing education obtained by a pharmacist who is also licensed by another approved health care regulatory agency shall be acceptable to the Board provided the continuing education is approved by that respective regulatory agency. A pharmacist enrolled full time in any recognized school of the healing arts may receive credit for the continuing education requirements of this ARTICLE upon submitting proof of full-time enrollment.
11. The Board, at its discretion, may grant extension periods and waivers for the completion of license renewal and continuing education requirements for ACTIVE Military Service members. Miss. Code. tit. 30, pt. 3001, art. IV