30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-2.3

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 30-2630-2.3 - Definitions

For the purpose of Part 2630, Chapter 2 only, the following terms have the meanings indicated:

A. "Physician" means any person licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine in the state of Mississippi.

B. "Supervising Physician" means a physician who, pursuant to a duly executed written guideline or protocol as hereinafter defined, has agreed to supervise a pharmacist and is the physician responsible for the overall management and supervision for the activities of the pharmacist as is directly related to patients receiving medications or disease management services under the protocol.

C. "Pharmacist" means any person licensed to practice pharmacy in the state of Mississippi, who has met all requirements of Article XXXVI of the rules and regulations of the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy to either (i) accept patients referred by a physician, (ii) initiate or modify drug therapy, or (iii) order lab work, all in accordance with written guidelines or protocols as hereinafter defined.

D. "Written Guideline" or "Protocol" means an agreement in which a physician authorized to prescribe drugs delegates to a pharmacist authority to consult with a patient or to conduct specific prescribing functions in an institutional setting, or with individual patients, provided that a specific protocol agreement is signed on each patient and is filed with the Mississippi State Board of Pharmacy as required by Mississippi Code, Section 73-21-73(ll) and is filed with this Board.

30 Miss. Code. R. 2630-2.3

Miss. Code Ann. § 73-43-11 (1972, as amended).