Rule 30-1402-1.3 - Code Of Operating Procedure For Polygraph Examiners(1) All polygraph charts should be marked with appropriate stimulus markings, question identification markings, and answer markings, at the point and place the question was asked and answer given.(2) Any polygraph charts, question sheet, signed subject agreement to submit to the examination, written reports, examiner opinions, or any other pertinent papers, shall be attached together and maintained for a minimum period of two (2) years, following the examination; and shall be available to the Board and/or its representative, upon request of the Board.(3) The polygraph examiner shall not question any subject on his or her sexual behavior, or ask any question that can be construed as being sexually oriented, unless the topic is a specific issue and he or she has been advised of this. Any examination of a criminal nature shall be exempt from the provision of this paragraph.(4) The polygraph examiner shall not abuse any subject and shall conduct himself in a professional manner.(5) All out-of-state license holders, who do not maintain an office in the State of Mississippi, shall register their Mississippi polygraph license with the Secretary of State, Jackson, Mississippi.(6) No polygraph examiner shall polygraph any person under the age of 12.30 Miss. Code. R. 1402-1.3
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-29-9