Rule 30-1101-10.5 - Additional Guidelines for Pamphlets, Maps, Illustrations, Articles, etcA. If the document is a pamphlet, open file report, etc. that contains maps, illustrations, cross-sections, etc. which are bound with the text, it is not required that each of those documents follow the protocol set forth under Maps, Illustrations, and Similar Products section of these guidelines provided that the title page and ensuing page, if required, contain the required RPG statement "I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents," registrant's name, a comma, and the designation RPG (also see Board Guidance Document 2000-02). If possible, however, it is suggested that the same protocol be followed as if these were individual, unbound maps per the guidelines noted in Maps, Illustrations, and Similar Products section of these guidelines, space permitting.B. If the maps, cross-sections, and/or similar documents are contained within a pocket of the report (not bound to the text of the document), it is suggested that each map, illustration, X-section, etc. follow the protocol contained in the Maps, Illustrations, and Similar Products section of these guidelinesC. Pursuant to Board Guidance Document 2000-02 which addresses issues related to open file reports or other similar documents which are produced in limited numbers, it is recommended that documents be signed and sealed/stamped individually if the number of copies are limited (25 or less copies is a suggested number). Reports reproduced in large numbers may carry with the report a certifications page containing the signature (if appropriate to that document), date and seal of the geologist in charge, as well as the statement (if appropriate) contained in Rule 10.2, as follows: "I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents." When the preceding conditions exist it is suggested that a uniformly placed stamp of the registrant be placed under which the next line including the statement "I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents," next a typeset line for the signature of the registrant and underlying that line is the typewritten name of the registrant, and the next line is the typeset date similar to the following examples (see next page).
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D.Requirements for Supervisory RPGs in Responsible Charge, GITs, andnonregistrants: In addition to the preceding guidelines, the following shall serve as additional guidance by the Board concerning stamping/sealing and signing geologic materials. In lieu of the language "...I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents...," the following language may be alternately utilized 1. "This report prepared under the supervision (and control) of John Q. Smith, RPG"2. "This map prepared under the supervision (and control) of John Q. Smith, RPG." Also, if the RPG in responsible charge wishes to acknowledge contributions from others that are either GITs and/or non-registrants, the following are examples of language that should be used in those acknowledgments:3. "This map prepared under the supervision (and control) of John Q. Smith, RPG with contributions from Frank Q. Public, GIT No. 1234 and Jill S. McCarthy"4. "This map prepared under the supervision (and control) of John Q. Smith, RPG. Compiled by Frank Q. Public, GIT No. 1234 and Jill S. McCarthy" Note: Parenthetical language in items 1) through 4), although recommended by the Board, is left to the discretion of the supervisory RPG who will be stamping and signing the material(s). Also in the examples above, if a person is not a RPG or GIT with this Board, they may use their job classification or other valid, title certification, provided it is not in violation of the RPG Act, i.e. Compiled by Frank Q. Public, GIT 1234 and Jill McCarthy, Environmental Scientist.
E.Reports compiled by several authors: A certification page should be included for reports submitted to a client and/or regulatory agency that have been compiled by several authors. Individual authors of the overall report on the certification page are to submit his/her credentials. In the instance where there is a certification page, it is suggested that the registered professional geologist submit on the subject certification page the following statement and layout: "I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents related to the geologic discussion/data/information contained herein."
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If the report does not include a certification page it is further suggested that the registered professional geologist include one, again with the following statement in addition to his/her stamp/seal and signature (see next page):
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"I have reviewed this document in sufficient depth to accept full responsibility for its contents related to the geologic discussion/data/information contained herein."
John B. Doe, RPG
April 15, 2004
30 Miss. Code. R. 1101-10.5
Miss. Code Ann. § 73-63-17(a); § 73-63-7(4)