Within seven (7) working days of the Board's receipt of a public records request, the Board shall review same and determine whether the records sought are exempt or privileged by law and shall either:
iv) deny access to or production of the records sought. If the Board is unable to produce a public record by the seventh working day after the request is received, the Board will provide the requester with a written explanation stating that the record requested will be produced or will specify the reason why the records cannot be produced within the seven-day period. Unless there is mutual agreement between the Board and the requester, the date for production of the requested record will be no later than fourteen (14) working days from the Board's receipt of the original public record request. Other requests for information, applications, requirements, complaints, fees and other inquiries may be made to:
Mississippi State Board of Public Accountancy
5 Old River Place, Suite 104
Jackson, Mississippi 39202-3449
Telephone - (601) 354-7320
Facsimile - (601) 354-7290
Web site - www.msbpa.ms.gov
Email - email@msbpa.ms.gov