All completed wells shall be equipped with casingheads, wellhead fittings, valves and connections with a rated working pressure equal to or greater than the surface shut-in pressure of the well. Connections and valves shall be designed and installed to permit fluid to be pumped between any two strings of casing. Two master valves shall be installed on the tubing in wells with a surface pressure in excess of 5,000 pounds per square inch. All wellhead connections shall be assembled and tested, prior to installation, by a fluid pressure which shall be equal to the rated test pressure of the fitting to be installed.
Any wells showing sustained pressure on the casinghead, or leaking gas or oil between the production casing and the next larger casing string, shall be tested in the following manner: The well shall be killed with water or mud and pump pressure applied. Should the pressure at the casinghead reflect the applied pressure, the casing shall be condemned. After corrective measures have been taken, the casing shall be tested in the same manner. This testing procedure shall be used when the origin of the pressure cannot be determined otherwise.
All completed wells shall meet the requirements prescribed in Rule OS-6.
The rules and regulations governing all multiple completions shall be the same as set forth in Statewide Rule 15, Multiple and Dual Completions, and any other applicable Statewide Rules, and shall include the following:
26 Miss. Code. R. 3-1.7