26 Miss. Code. R. 3-1.5

Current through January 14, 2025

The operator shall comply with the following minimum plugging and abandonment procedures which have general application to all wells drilled for oil and gas. Plugging and abandonment operations must not be commenced prior to obtaining approval from an authorized representative of the Board. Where not in conflict with this rule or special field rules, Statewide Rules 27 and 28 shall be followed:

(1) Permanent Abandonment
A. Isolation in Uncased Hole

In uncased portions of wells, cement plugs shall be spaced to extend 100 feet below the bottom to 100 feet above the top of any oil, gas and fresh water zones so as to isolate them in the strata in which they are found and to prevent them from escaping into other strata.

B. Isolation of Open Hole

Where there is open hole (uncased and open into the casing string above) below the casing, a cement plug shall be placed in the deepest casing string by (1) or (2) below, or in the event lost circulation conditions exist or are anticipated, the plug may be placed in accordance with (3) below:

(1) A cement plug placed by displacement method so as to extend a minimum of 100 feet above and 100 feet below the casing shoe.
(2) A cement retainer with effective back pressure control set not less than fifty (50) feet, nor more than 100 feet, above the casing shoe with a cement plug calculated to extend at least 100 feet below the casing shoe and fifty (50) feet above the retainer.
(3) A permanent type bridge plug set within 150 feet above the casing shoe with fifty (50) feet of cement on top of the bridge plug. This plug shall be tested prior to placing subsequent plugs.
C. Plugging or Isolating Perforated Intervals

A cement plug shall be placed opposite all open perforations (perforations not squeezed with cement) extending a minimum of 100 feet above and 100 feet below the perforated interval or down to a casing plug whichever is less. In lieu of the cement plug, a bridge plug set at a maximum of 150 feet above the open perforations with fifty (50) feet of cement on top may be used, provided the perforations are isolated from the hole below.

D. Plugging of Casing Stubs

If casing is cut and recovered, a cement plug 200 feet in length shall be placed to extend 100 feet above and 100 feet below the stub. A retainer may be used in setting the required plug.

E. Plugging of Annular Space

No annular space that extends to the waters' floor shall be left open to drilled hole below. If this condition exists, the annulus shall be plugged with cement.

F. Surface Plug Requirement

A cement plug of at least 150 feet, with the top of the plug 150 feet or less below the waters' floor, shall be placed in the smallest string of casing which extends to the surface.

G. Testing of Plugs

The setting and location of the first plug below the top 150-foot plug will be verified by either (1) placing a minimum pipe weight of 15,000 pounds on the plug, or (2) testing with a minimum pump pressure of 1,000 psig with no more than a ten percent (10%) pressure drop during a fifteen (15) minute period.

H. Mud

Each of the respective intervals of the hole between the various plugs shall be filled with mud fluid of sufficient density to exert hydrostatic pressure exceeding the greatest formation pressure encountered while drilling such interval.

2. Clearance of Location

All casing and piling shall be severed and removed to at least fifteen (15) feet below the waters' floor, and the location shall be dragged to clear the well site of any obstructions.

3. Temporary Abandonments

Any drilling well which is to be temporarily abandoned shall be mudded and cemented as required for permanent abandonment except for requirements F and I of Paragraph 1 above. When casing extends above the waters' floor, a mechanical bridge plug (retrievable or permanent) shall be set in the casing between fifteen (15) and 200 feet below the waters' floor.

26 Miss. Code. R. 3-1.5

MCA Section 53-1-17(3) (1972)