Current through January 14, 2025
Cables, Pipelines and Transmission Lines
104.01 Permanent open water canals in coastal wetlands for installation of cables, pipelines and transmission lines are not authorized. Where temporary dredging or excavation is required in coastal wetlands, all dredged/excavated areas must be backfilled with the removed material after installation of the appropriate structure, with care taken to maintain the original wetland elevation in both the dredged/excavated area and removed material disposal area. Removed material must be temporarily stockpiled in discontinuous banks so that sheet flow is not disrupted. Appropriate erosion control measures must be employed during the crossing of wetland areas. 104.02 After dredging/excavation and backfilling is complete, all impacted coastal wetlands must be re-vegetated with indigenous species. If the areas have not revegetated to pre-project conditions within one (1) year of the completion of the project, restoration of the impacted area will be required.104.03 In open water areas, removed material must be deposited in discontinuous piles on opposite sides of the dredge area, which must be backfilled after project completion. After the project is complete the impacted area must be restored to pre-construction conditions, and all excess removed material must be beneficially utilized in accordance with M.C.A. § 49-27-61 or deposited in upland areas.104.04 Alignments of new projects must be designed to use existing rights-of-way and topographic features, wherever feasible.104.05 Projects must be aligned along the least environmentally damaging route. Sensitive coastal wetlands must be avoided when possible. If sensitive coastal wetlands cannot be avoided, the applicant must demonstrate that the alternative proposed is the least damaging most practicable alternative.104.06 Projects must be aligned to avoid shipwrecks and areas of unique historical and cultural interest.104.07 Must be buried at least ten (10) feet below authorized channel depth within maintained channels and four (4) feet below the mud line outside maintained channels.104.08 See also Requirements for Dredging and Excavation (Chapter 08, 117). 105 Transportation:22 Miss. Code. R. 23-08-104