22 Miss. Code. R. 15-04-100.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 22-15-04-100.01

The following procedures shall govern formal hearings and requests for reconsideration when such are granted by the Commission. Any request for hearing must be made within fourteen (14) days after the date the Commission takes action upon permit issuance, denial, modification or revocation, as shown on the Minutes of the Commission on Marine Resources; and may be requested by any interested party aggrieved by such action. For the purposes of this ordinance, an "interested party" in a request for reconsideration of a matter involving a coastal wetlands permit is defined as persons and organizations that have complied with the provisions of Mississippi Code Section 49-27-39. Persons, firms or organizations requesting reconsideration of decisions on wetlands permitting issues will follow the provisions of this ordinance in addition to those located in Chapter VIII Section 2, Part I.F. of the Mississippi Coastal Program.

22 Miss. Code. R. 15-04-100.01