Current through January 14, 2025
The following requirements shall apply to all types of aquaculture activities in the marine waters of the State of Mississippi.
A. Aquaculture operations must not discharge any waste materials into the surrounding waters. For purposes of this section, waste materials include solids, debris, sanitary and kitchen wastes, oil, and grease; but exclude fouling organisms, the excrement of the cultured species, and commercially prepared feeds fed to them.B. All aquaculture operations' structures must be properly marked and lighted in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard regulations. In order to minimize the impacts to sea turtles, the structure and any associated vessels moored adjacent to it shall use external lighting systems composed of low pressure sodium vapor lights with a maximum of 55 watts per bulb or any other light source proven and documented not to disturb sea turtles. Coast Guard required navigation lights are exempt from this guideline.C. Generally, only non-lethal methods of predator control shall be allowed. However, invertebrates are exempt from this guideline. To ensure that the applicant has taken measures to prevent the deaths or harm of potential predators, a predator control plan that details the type of predator controls being proposed (i.e. mesh size of netting, color of netting, height of netting, etc.) for each aquaculture operation shall be approved by the MDMR prior to the issuance of a permit.D. Aquaculture activities in State waters must be performed in a manner that would not cause substantial negative impacts to tidal marsh or coastal or marine habitats such as seagrass beds, naturally occurring oyster and clam beds, or endangered species such as sea turtles and Gulf Sturgeon.E. All applicants shall provide the MDMR with a plan for securing or moving, if necessary, the aquaculture facility in the event of a significant storm or hurricane. The permitted facility shall comply with the approved storm plan in the event of a significant storm or hurricane. The aquaculture operation must maintain nets and moorings in a whole and intact condition. No gear may be abandoned. Any net or gear accidentally dropped or lost during storm events that is not recovered immediately shall be tagged with a float, positioned using differential Global Positioning System, and reported to the MDMR within 24 hours. The lost net or gear must be recovered by the aquaculture operation within 30 days of the date lost. The aquaculture operation must notify the MDMR on the date the net or gear is recovered.F. All moorings and cages must have attached a corrosion resistant metal or plastic tag. The tag must be legibly and permanently stamped with letters containing the leaseholder's full name. The minimum height of the letters must be at least 3/16 of an inch.G. Nets, mooring and rigging lines, and anti-predator equipment must be stretched tight, held taut, and maintained in a manner to diminish the likelihood of entangling finfish, decapod crustaceans, sea birds, marine mammals, and sea turtles.H. The aquaculture operation is responsible for collection and proper disposal of all equipment used in the aquaculture operation on submerged lands or when such materials are removed during harvesting or become dislodged during storm events.I. All holding, transport, and culture systems of the aquaculture operation must be designed, operated and maintained to prevent the escape of cultured aquatic species into waters of the state.J. The use of biocidal chemicals is prohibited unless approved by the MDMR prior to use.K. All culture materials, cover nets, bags or other designated markers placed on or in the waters must be clean and free of pollutants including petroleum based products such as creosote, oils and greases, or other pollutants. Compounds used as preservatives must be used in accordance with the product label.L. Aquaculture operations on Public Trust Tidelands (state-owned) must obtain an aquaculture lease or other authorization from the Secretary of State's office and remain current with annual fees and conditions of that authorization agreement. This section does not apply to on-bottom molluscan shellfish operations.Miss. Code Ann. §§ 49-15-15, 49-27-1, 79-22-1