Use CPT code 77003, for fluoroscopic guidance and localization of needle or catheter tip for spine or paraspinous diagnostic or therapeutic injection procedures (e.g., cervical epidural or sacroiliac joint), and including facet nerve neurolytic agent destruction.
All procedures performed fluoroscopically MUST have stored hard copy or digital images showing final needle placement in at least two (2) views (typically posterior/anterior and lateral or oblique) demonstrating final needle placement and depth AND disbursement of contrast (when not contraindicated). These images must be available upon request (with appropriate HIPAA compliance) by payers, or reimbursement may be denied.
Fluoroscopy will be reimbursed for the following codes: 27096, 62321, 62323, 64479-64484, 64490-64495, 64600-64681, 64633-64636.
"Type" is defined as any procedure code involving an anatomically different structure (e.g., spinal nerve, facet joint, sacroiliac joint, trigger point, etc.). Joints and nerves in different anatomical regions (cervical/thoracic, lumbar/sacral) are considered to be different "types" and is limited to one (1) procedure per given day. Additional level or bilateral injections of a single procedure in the same area are not considered different "types," and for the purpose of this rule, are considered to be the same "type." However, the multiple level restrictions, as detailed herein, still apply. Diagnostic injections of more than one type in the same anatomic area on the same date of service are prohibited, and will not be reimbursed without prior authorization. Reimbursement of the multiple procedure modifier (51) is twenty-five percent (25%) of the base amount for the second or additional procedure for procedures listed in the Pain Management section.
20 Miss. Code. R. 2-II