2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-13-110.02

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-101-2-13-110.02

AI Surveillance Plan (no disease present in state): The surveillance plan is designed for commercial poultry only. This plan is designed to give assurance to our poultry industry and to international trading partners that commercial poultry in Mississippi is free from avian influenza.

1. Commercial Broiler/Layers breeder flocks (AI NPIP Protocol) - 30 blood samples to qualify/ then 15 samples per quarter with MG/MS blood
1. Commercial Layers- 15 eggs every 30 days (representative samples from within the house) 50% of houses (Texas Plan) or testing option under NPIP Proposed Plan.
2. Broiler flocks- suffering from significant respiratory disease or mortality will have samples submitted for AI surveillance.
3. All Pullets/Hens that are submitted for illness or death will have samples submitted for AI testing.
4. Commercial Broilers/Spent Hens
a. 11 samples/shift/plant (NPIP plan)
b. 11 Samples/flock prior to processing (NPIP plan)
5. Sample Submission- CVM -Poultry Research Diagnostic Laboratory (PDRL) or laboratory approved by the State Veterinarian. See Poultry Regulation 13 section IV; Testing of Reportable Diseases.
a. Blood for routine monitoring program - AGID test or ELISA with AGID confirmation of positives.
b. Tracheal/Cloachal swabs for PCR for disease surveillance program.

2 Miss. Code. R. 101-2-13-110.02

Amended 11/27/2023