2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-06-105.01

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-06-105.01

Quarantine Notices: A quarantine may be instituted by BPI on all apiaries and colonies of bees within this state, wherein American Foulbrood, Acarapis woodi, Varroa jacobsoni, Apis mellifera adansonii or other highly contagious diseases, parasites, or pests of honey bees are found to occur. Such quarantine shall only be issued whenever the Bureau determines that said bees are "not actively being cared for by the owner/manager". And further yet, such quarantine shall become effective immediately upon written notices of quarantines by the Bureau to all beekeepers affected specifying locations and additional restrictions as deemed necessary by BPI. The removal of any and all colonies and/or bees, queen bees, worker bees, drone bees, or other regulated items as defined in section 100. from such quarantined apiary(s) is hereby prohibited until said quarantine is revoked by BPI or unless written permission is granted by BPI for the transport of infected equipment to a location where it can be properly treated by BPI personnel.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-06-105.01