2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-06-100

Current through January 14, 2025
Section 2-1-3-06-100

For the purpose of these regulations adopted under the provision of the Mississippi Disease Act of 1920, Mississippi Code 1972, Annotated, Chapter 25, Article 3, Sections 69-25-101 through 69-25-109, as amended, the following definitions shall be construed accordingly and unless the context otherwise requires shall mean:

1."Honey Bee or Bee(s)"- Any insect(s) of the scientific genus and species, Apis mellifera.
2."Apiary"- Any site or location whereby one or more colonies of bees are kept at anytime during the year.
3."Colony"- A congregation of bees on combs consisting of worker bees and an active viable queen.
4."Commercial Beekeeper"- Person or persons owning and/or managing 50 or more colonies of bees for the purpose of:
a. Producing honey
b. Producing package bees and/or queen bees for sale or use by other beekeepers.
c. Providing pollination services for a fee
d. Resale within the year.
e. Person(s) owning and/or managing less than 50 colonies of bees for any purpose so described above, except for honey production alone shall be deemed a commercial apiarist.
5."Hives"- Boxes, barrels, logs, skeps or any other receptacles or containers natural or man-made, which may be used as a domicile for bees.
6."Nuc or Nucleus"- Any division or portion of a colony that contains comb with bees.
7."Pollination"- The use of bees for the transfer of pollen in the production of an agricultural crop.
8."Contagious Diseases, Parasites, and Pests"- Unless otherwise specifies shall include the following: American foulbrood, European foulbrood, tracheal mites, Acarapis woodi, Varroa mite (Varroa jacobsoni), Chalkbrood, Africanized honeybee (Apis mellifera [adansonii]), hybridized African/European bees or any other disease, parasite or pest so determined by the Bureau of Plant Industry.
9."Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI)"- An official agency within the Mississippi Department of Agriculture and Commerce including the office of the State Entomologist and State Apiary Inspector.
10."Certificate of Inspection"- A document issued by an official of the Bureau of Plant Industry or corresponding agency of another state or province which certifies said bees as being apparently free of contagious bee diseases, parasites and other designated pests of honey bees.
11."Registered Location"- A site whereby bee colonies are placed once approved by the State Apiary Inspector constituting said placement of bees within a said forty acre plot.
12."Application for Registration"- A specific form furnished by the Bureau of Plant Industry for registering Apiaries in Mississippi.
13."Apiary Registration Number"- A number assigned by the Bureau of Plant Industry to a specific apiary once its registration is approved.
14."Quarantined"- Prohibition of removal of any bees, combs, hive parts, honey, wax, propalis, etc from an apiary without written permission of the State Apiary Inspector.
15."Depopulated"- All bees within hives killed under the supervision of BPI Personnel.
16."Destroyed"- Burned or buried 18" below ground (earth) surface.
17."Treated"- Administering drugs or using ethylene oxide fumigant for controlling or curing a disease, parasite, or pest infestation.
18."Transfer Ownership"- To sell, to donate, to trade, to barter, or otherwise delegate ownership to another person or property.
19."State of Residence/Origin" -The state or providence in which a migratory beekeeper declares as his/her home state in which all inspections for contagious bee disease and parasitic mites shall be conducted by the state agency.
20."Used Beekeeping Equipment"- Equipment including but not limited to frames, supers, bottoms, tops, and other portions of a bee hive that has been inhabited by bees.
21."Not actively being cared for"- For quarantine purposes this shall mean that the owner/manager has refused to treat said colonies as described in section 104(a)(b) of this chapter for parasitic mites or if said bees contain more than 2% colony infestation rate of AFB, 5% colony infection rate for EFB.
22."AFB"- American Foulbrood, a brood disease caused by the spore producing bacteria, Bacillus larvae.
23."EFB"- European Foulbrood, a brood disease caused by the non-spore producing bacteria, Streptococcus pluton and associated bacteria, Bacterium eurydice, Bacilllus alvei, Bacillus laterosporus, and Bacillus para-alvei.
24."Compliance Agreement"- A written agreement between the Bureau of Plant Industry and a person who moves regulated articles interstate, in which that person agrees to comply with this subpart.
25."Complier"- A person with whom the Bureau of Plant Industry has entered into a compliance agreement.
26."Infestation"- The presence of varroa mite, tracheal mite or other declared pest of honey bees.
27."Permit"- A document in which an inspector of the Bureau affirms that the regulated article, identified on the document is eligible to move to a specified destination in Mississippi.
28."Inspector"- Any employee of the Bureau of Plant Industry or other person authorized by the State Entomologist to enforce this subpart.
29."Quarantined Area"- Any state or portion of a state listed in this subpart.
30.Regulated Articles:
a. All honey bees, live and dead.
b. Hives (colonies) and the hive equipment, shipping and storage containers, and vehicles used at apiaries.
c. Combs with or without brood.
d. Pollen
e. Any other articles that BPI shall determine to pose a threat of harboring contagious diseases, parasites and pests.

2 Miss. Code. R. 1-3-06-100