18 Miss. Code. R. 28-8.3
Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) is a complete management practice that integrates outcomes and results into a community action agency's administration, management, operations, and evaluation of programs and services.
The core components of ROMA are:
The CSBG Act Section 676(b)(12) states-
The State and all eligible entities in the State will, not later than fiscal year 2001, participate in the Results Oriented Management and Accountability System, another performance measure system for which the Secretary facilitated development pursuant to section 678E(b), or an alternative system for measuring performance and results that meets the requirements of that section, and a description of outcome measures to be used to measure eligible entity performance in promoting self-sufficiency, family stability, and community revitalization.
The State of Mississippi commits its CSBG resources and activities toward achieving measurable outcomes in the six ROMA national goals:
Entities will utilize the ROMA cycle as part of a strengthened performance system:
Entities will utilize the National Performance Indicators (NPIs) to monitor performance of services to low-income families and communities. The State of Mississippi requires all eligible entities to use the statewide client tracking and eligibility system, Virtual ROMA, to capture this data.
18 Miss. Code. R. 28-8.3