Rule 18-28-4.1 - Client Application ProcessThe Subgrantees/Community Action Agencies (CAAs) accept applications throughout the year. When funding is available, eligible families shall be served on a first-come, first-serve basis by date of application. When funding is not available, eligible families shall be added to the waitlist.
A. As a general rule, only the applicant, spouse of the applicant, or authorized representative of a disabled or elderly applicant are the adults who can be present during the application. The Subgrantee reserves the right to require other adults to remain in waiting room, especially if they are causing disruption during the application process.B. If the applicant cannot read, the caseworker must read all forms/declarations to the applicant to ensure the applicant understands what is being signed.C. The signature of the applicant must be on all applicable documents. A spouse may sign if the head of household is absent. Caseworker should document the reason the head of household cannot come in for appointment. If the applicant cannot write, they may sign by making an "X" on the signature line. The name must be printed or typed under the "X" by the caseworker, and a witness should sign under the "X". Miss. Code Ann. § 43-1-2(4); Miss. Code Ann. § 43-1-4 Revised: May 2022