18 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.9

Current through January 14, 2025
A.Definition and Purpose

Supplemental Services are services in addition to the Information and Assistance, Counseling/Support Groups, Respite and Adult Day Care Services that might be necessary for meeting the needs of the caregiver. These services are provided on a limited basis.

The purpose of supplemental services is to:

(1) supplement the services provided to the caregiver to help meet a nutrition need,
(2) provide assistance with ADLs, housekeeping, laundry, meal planning, food preparation, and/or
(3) provide minor home modifications, assistive devices, some durable medical supplies, etc.


Family caregivers or grandparents or older individuals who are relative caregivers. Priority will be given to older individuals with greatest social and economic need. Particular attention will be give to low-income older individuals and to older individuals providing care and support to persons with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.

B.Unit of Service

A unit of service depends on the service provided. Refer to the unit as it is defined in other HCBS standards. Example: Homemaker service-is one hour of activity related to, for or on behalf of the caregiver or care recipient.

C.Service Activities

Supplemental services may include:

1.Personal care services, such as assistance with walking, grooming, eating and toileting.
2.Nutrition - A meal that meets the daily dietary requirements.
3. Social services services provided to caregivers/care recipients and their families to help them with personal, family and/or adjustment problems that interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment plan. These services are an essential part of care management, which also may include counseling services provided by private physicians, therapists, professional counselors, etc.
4. Transportation Services - provided when needed, for participants to and from their homes and to other community facilities used in implementing the participants' plan of care. All contracted transportation systems shall meet local, state and federal regulations. Handicapped accessible transportation should be available.
5.Emergency Services Medical supplies, durable goods and medication, on a limited basis.
D.Location of Service

Services shall be located in a centralized area accessible to the caregiver, in the agency's service delivery area.

E.Access to Service

The client may enter the service system at any point, through an appropriate referral.

F.Delivery Characteristics
1. If only supplemental services are required, the caregiver's record may include the following:
a. Emergency contact person's name and telephone number;
b. Approval/termination for services;
c. Authorization releases where appropriate;
d. Medical health and impairments; and
e. Documentation of services provided.
2. Services shall be available to meet the need(s) of the caregiver as determined by the provider.
1. There must be a person designated to be responsible for the day-to-day operation of the program at the Area Agency on Aging.
2. There must be adequate staff to accomplish the purpose of the program.
3. Volunteers must be trained and must meet minimum requirements as determined by provider.

The Bureau of Audit and Evaluation, Department of Human Services, shall monitor at least annually.

18 Miss. Code. R. 2-2.9

Older Americans Act of 1965, As Amended 2006 ( Public Law 109-365 ), Section 373(e) (1)