15 Miss. Code. R. 23-1-2.3.2

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 15-23-1-2.3.2

Prior to the release of any Program funds, all sub-recipients will be required to certify, through the sub-recipient agreement, that it understands and agrees to certain required provisions, including but not limited to, the following statements:

1. The subrecipient agrees that it must be in compliance with requirements outlined in the state solicitation and the rules and regulations contained in this Part under which the approved application was submitted.
2. The subrecipient agrees that Program funds will be used only for the purposes described in the recipient's application as approved by OAIV.
3. Termination or suspension for cause. The Director of OAIV, upon a finding that there has been substantial failure by the subrecipient to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and/or the terms and conditions of the subgrant or relevant solicitation, will terminate or suspend activities until the Director is satisfied that there is no longer such failure.
4. Performance Progress Reports. The subrecipient agrees to complete reports as directed by OAIV. At a minimum, quarterly and an annual report are required.
5. The sub-recipient must allow the Office Against Interpersonal Violence, MSDH Audit Department, or any other state officer as may be appropriate, access to and the right to examine all records, books, paper, or documents related to the state victim services grant.
6. Cooperation - The sub-recipient must respond promptly to OAIV to any request for financial and/or programmatic documentation related to the award of program funds, including documentation of expenditures, and achievements. The subrecipient must cooperate with OAIV in any desk and site monitoring activities.
7. The subrecipient agency will be allowed one modification during the grant cycle. This modification must be submitted and approved during the third quarter of the funding cycle.
8. All subgrantees licensed and contracted as child placement providers (e.g. therapeutic group homes, therapeutic foster care, emergency shelters) through the MS Department of Child Protection Services receiving federal funding from OAIV must complete the following within the subgrant award period and provide quarterly status updates to OAIV.
a. Obtain "Medicaid Provider of Service" status
b. Utilize state and/or federal child welfare dollars as per Federal Rule 28 CFR94.119 (a) (9): Costs of the following, on an emergency basis (i.e., when the State's compensation program, the victim's (or in the case of a minor child, the victim's parent's or guardian's) health insurance plan, Medicaid, or other health care funding source, is not reasonably expected to be available quickly enough to meet the emergency needs of a victim (typically within 48 hours of the crime): Non-prescription and prescription medicine, prophylactic or other treatment to prevent HIV/AIDS infection or other infectious disease, durable medical equipment (such as wheel-chairs, crutches, hearing aids, eyeglasses), and other healthcare items are allowed

15 Miss. Code. R. 23-1-2.3.2

H.B. 1796, Mississippi Legislature Regular Session, Section 37 H.B. 1796, Mississippi Legislature Regular Session, Section 38.
Adopted 7/28/2023
Amended 8/12/2024