12 Miss. Code. R. 8-300.4

Current through January 14, 2025

For all leases not otherwise exempt from competitive procurement per 300.2 Exemptions Not Requiring Approval or 300.3 Exemptions Requiring Approval, each agency seeking to lease space shall provide the following information that shall be published by the RPM Division on its website on or before the time for advertisement of the RLP in accordance with Mississippi Code of 1972, Annotated, Section 27-104-7(c). Information shall be provided no less than thirty days prior to date proposed for first advertisement. Failure to obtain pre-approval prior to advertisement will necessitate re-advertisement by the agency or department.

(1)Proposed RLP Package: The use of applicable RPM Division template RLP forms and template Lease Contracts without deviation is required unless it is determined that such documents are either not practicable or not advantageous to the State for the specific lease request in the opinion of the RPM Division Director. Any proposed deviations and/or supplementary conditions to template forms and/or template Lease Contract shall be clearly identified in the applicable sections of the template documents. Where deviations from template documents are proposed, a written justification by the Agency Head indicating why the template documents are either not practicable or not advantageous to the State shall also be included.
(2)Space Evaluation Form: The RPM Division form shall be completely filled out to document that space to be requested is either in compliance with Space Utilization Guidelines or that deviation is requested in which case written justification by the agency shall also be included.
(3)Advertisement Form: Advertisement shall identify the agency or department seeking space, approximate amount of usable square feet requested, type of space requested, desired location of space requested, length of initial term requested, agency contact information and deadline for receipt of proposals.
(4)Location Flexibility: Desired location shall be defined as broadly as possible to encourage competition. Space leased for statewide or regional offices should identify multiple counties or municipalities. Where an RLP identifies a single county or municipality, such RLP shall be accompanied by a written justification by the Agency Head indicating why location flexibility is not possible.

12 Miss. Code. R. 8-300.4

Adopted 3/16/2018