12 Miss. Code. R. 1-2.7

Current through January 14, 2025
Rule 12-1-2.7 - Rule File

The rule file will contain documents which are public records and which are part of specific rule actions procedures, including:

(a) notices of each proposed rule action;
(b) written comments and summary of any oral comments received in the event that a hearing is conducted;
(c) requests to participate in an oral presentation of views;
(d) any requests for extension of time;
(e) any grants or denials of requests;
(f) minutes or other records of informal hearings;
(g) final rules;
(h) statements of repeal of rules; and
(i) any other notice or document relevant to the rule action and the rule action proceedings.

12 Miss. Code. R. 1-2.7

Miss. Code Ann. § 25-43-3.102.