Miss. Code. tit. 10, pt. 201, Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation Additional Items, app 10-201-A

Current through January 14, 2025
Appendix 10-201-A - Data Reporting-Mississippi SARA Institutions Only

A. Institutions are required to annually report to NC-SARA the number of exclusively distance students enrolled in the institution engaged in distance education, disaggregated by state, territory, or district in which the students are located, including the home state. This includes both degree and non-degree for-credit courses. Institutions shall also report the numbers of their students engaged in certain experiential learning placements disaggregated by state and two-digit Classification of Instruction Programs (CIP) codes.

B. Follow the NC-SARA data reporting schedule.

C. Failure to submit materials on time will result in a timely/delinquent fee in the amount of $25 - $2,500 and being placed on provisional status for SARA and conditional status for MCCA during the institution's renewal period.

The provisions of Appendix A have been developed to reflect Section 6 of the SARA Policy Manual.

Miss. Code. tit. 10, pt. 201, Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation Additional Items, app 10-201-A

Adopted 2/19/2024