Before a valid agency adoptive placement may occur, court termination of the parent's rights under Minnesota Statutes, sections 260C.301 to 260C.317, or an agreement under Minnesota Statutes, section 259.25, which confers authority to place a child for adoption with the commissioner or a licensed child-placing agency must be obtained from any individual recognized by state law as having parental rights.
All written onsents to adoption, executed in a manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 259.24, subdivision 5, and 259.25, must be filed with the court prior to the hearing on the adoption petition.
All agreements with an agency to place a child and consents to adoption by the child's parent or legal guardian, must be executed before two competent witnesses and an agency representative. Consents to an adoption by the child's parent when that parent is either a copetitioner in the adoption proceedings or does not have custody of the child must be executed before two competent witnesses, but need not be executed before an agency representative. All consents by a parent must contain a notice to the parent of the right to revoke the consent for any reason within ten working days of its execution. Consents obtained in another state may be executed according to either Minnesota law or applicable consent laws of the other state.
The consentor's and the agency representative's signatures must each be duly notarized.
The two witnesses must be 18 years of age or older and of sound mind, and neither may be the subscribing notary public.
The agency representative must be a person qualified to counsel the consenting party on adoption matters.
Revocation of a parent's consent must be in writing and must be received by the agency no later than the tenth working day after the consent was executed.
Affidavits submitted by individuals who allege or deny parenthood which contain a consent to adoption must be executed according to the requirements in subpart 3.
Minn. R. agency 196, ch. 9560, ADOPTION, pt. 9560.0030
Statutory Authority: MS s 245A.09; 257.05; 257.175; 259.53; 259.67; 259.75; 259.87