A party must file a charge in writing using the form provided by the board.
The charge form must include the following information:
Unfair labor practice charge forms may be obtained from the board in person or on the board's official Web site.
The charging party shall serve a complete copy of the charge or amended charge on each party named as a charged party.
Upon receipt of a charge, the charge must be docketed, assigned a case number, and served on the parties by the board or its designee.
The charging party must submit evidence in support of each alleged unfair labor practice as well as any documents that support its position to the assigned investigator. This submission must be provided within seven days of the date the charge or amended charge is fled, unless an extension is granted by the investigator for good cause shown. The assigned investigator may request the charging party to submit additional evidence to support its charge when the assigned investigator determines additional evidence is necessary to evaluate the charge.
The charged party must submit a response to each alleged unfair labor practice in the charge as well as any evidence that supports its position to the assigned investigator. This submission must be provided within 14 days of the date the charge or amended charge is served by the board, unless an extension is granted by the assigned investigator for good cause shown. The assigned investigator may request the charged party to submit additional evidence when the assigned investigator determines additional evidence is necessary to evaluate the charge.
Minn. R. agency 169, ch. 7325, FILING AND INVESTIGATION, pt. 7325.0110