The landowner and the owner of a solid waste disposal facility shall submit a postclosure plan with the permit application. The agency must approve the plan in accordance with part 7001.3055 as part of the permit issuance procedure or as a submittal required by a closure document, stipulation agreement, or other enforcement action. Compliance with the approved postclosure plan shall be a condition of any permit or closure document issued.
The landowner and the facility owner must keep a copy of the approved plan and amendments at the facility until the postclosure care period begins. During the postclosure care period, the plan must be kept by the contact person identified in item C. This plan must identify the activities to be carried on during the postclosure care period and the frequency of these activities, and must include at least:
The landowner and the facility owner may amend the postclosure plan at any time during the active life of the facility or during the postclosure care period. The landowner and the facility owner must amend the plan whenever changes in the operating plans, or facility design, or other events during the active life of the facility or the postclosure period affect the postclosure plan. The landowner and the facility owner must amend the plan whenever there is a change in the expected year of closure. The amended plan must be approved by the commissioner.
When a permit modification is requested to authorize a change in operating plans or facility design that will affect the postclosure plan, the landowner and facility owner must modify the postclosure plan at the same time. In all cases, the landowner or facility owner must request a modification of the plan within 60 days of any change or event that affects the postclosure plan.
Statutory Authority: MS s 115.03; 115A.97; 116.07