Part 6290.0500 - CONTEST JUDGINGSubpart 1.Date and location of judging.Notice of the date and location of judging for each contest will be contained in the contest application package.
Subp. 2.Selection of judging panel.Contest judging panels will be chosen by the commissioner of natural resources and will consist of at least five members reflecting areas of expertise including, but not limited to: art, hunting or fishing, outdoor media, conservation, or publishing. Judges will serve for a length of time to be established by the department.
Subp. 3.Assignment of identifying number.Each contest entry will be assigned an identifying number prior to the judging to keep the identity of the artist of the contest entry unknown to the judges. The identity of the artist of the contest entries will not be revealed to the judges prior to the selection of the winning entry.
Subp. 4.Judging procedure.Three rounds of judging will be used to select a winner in each contest.
A. During the first round of judging, the judging panel will view all eligible contest entries. Each judge shall select all those contest entries that the judge wishes to see advance to the second round.B. During the second round, the contest entries selected by any judge from the first round will be separated from those contest entries not selected in the first round. Each judge shall select all those contest entries that the judge wishes to see advanced to the third round. Any contest entry receiving at least three votes shall advance to the third round. If no entry receives three votes, all entries receiving two votes will advance to the third round.C. During the third round, the judges shall give each contest entry a numerical score. The contest entry receiving the highest combined numerical score shall be selected the winner. In the case of a tie for the winning entry or a tie for second place, the judges will repeat the process described for the third round, but only as to the tied entries. If for any reason, the contest entry with the highest combined numerical score is disqualified, the entry with the next highest combined numerical score shall be selected the winner.Minn. R. agency 158, ch. 6290, pt. 6290.0500
Statutory Authority: MS s 97A.045