Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5225, INSPECTIONS, pt. 5225.2200
A commissioned inspector holding a Minnesota Certificate of Competency shall inspect all boilers or steam generators, fired or unfired pressure vessels, and appurtenances for their safe operation and condition, and all pressure piping connecting them to the appurtenances, and all piping up to the first stop valve, or the second valve when two are required in accordance with inspection requirements in Section 1 of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and the National Board Inspection Code. They must be properly prepared for inspection and the inspector given at least 48 hours' notice before the time of the inspection.
A certificate of inspection will be issued by the division upon the object passing the inspection required by the division and the payment of the appropriate fee.
An exemption certificate will be issued as provided in part 5225.3150, subpart 2, if the object is in conformance with part 5225.3150, subpart 1.
A certificate of inspection or exemption issued by the division must be displayed in a conspicuous place on or near any boiler or pressure vessel subject to this chapter.
No object subject to inspection may be removed from the division's records and inspection requirements unless a commissioned inspector has reported on forms prescribed by the division that the object is permanently removed from service and the reason for its removal from service. Boilers and pressure vessels must be isolated from the common header or discharge piping by a means other than a valve, and the electrical and fuel supply must be disconnected from the object. An object may not be placed back into service without first being inspected and reported by a commissioned inspector.
Minn. R. agency 151, ch. 5225, INSPECTIONS, pt. 5225.2200
Statutory Authority: MS s 175.171; 183.001; 183.375; 183.41; 183.411; 183.42; 183.44; 183.465; 183.466; 183.54; 183.545; 326B.956; 326B.958; 326B.964; 326B.966; 326B.982; 326B.986