The design shall not cause conflicts in the necessary functions of activities. No activity shall be terminated or delayed by cause created because of another necessary activity.
Staff work stations and control rooms shall be situated to provide the greatest degree of observation of traffic flow and supervised internal activities as possible. A staff work station or control room shall be located on the same floor of the building as prisoner living areas for usage by custodial staff whose primary duties are the day-to-day supervision of prisoners of a local facility. Where staff are employed as combination jailer/dispatchers, such staff work station or control room shall be located on the same floor of the building as prisoner living areas. Dispatcher work stations or control rooms need not be located on the same floor as prisoner living areas when such staff are not responsible for the supervision of prisoners.
Staff work stations and control rooms which supervise security activities shall be separated from the public and the prisoners by security barriers, and shall be protected from direct observation from the outside of the facility.
The design shall provide for separation of prisoners and the public; the prisoners and the staff; prisoners of one classification and another; prisoners and unauthorized areas of the facility.
There shall be provisions to conduct all maximum security prisoner functions within the security perimeter of the facility. There shall be a minimum of two physical barriers between maximum security prisoners and freedom during unsupervised activities.
Storage areas shall be sufficient to provide adequate space for separation and security of keys, weapons, drugs and medications, tools, evidence, recovered stolen property, mattresses, linens and bedding, housekeeping equipment and supplies, clothing, prisoners' property, canteen and hygiene items, and records. Secure weapon depositories separate and distinct from armories shall be provided outside the security areas for the temporary safekeeping of officers' weapons.
The design shall provide for service deliveries to be accomplished without interfering or interacting with the security of the facility.
Electrical auditory two-way communications shall be provided between control stations and prisoner areas of the facility.
Padlocks shall not be used in place of a security lock on any door, window, or cabinet within the security perimeter of the facility.
No prisoner traffic corridor shall be less than five feet in width in security areas.
Illumination levels shall meet current recommendations of the Illumination Engineers Society.
The design of the facility shall provide for communication to be accomplished with the required levels of confidentiality.
Visiting provisions shall be designed to provide flexibility in the degree of security required to accommodate both noncontact visiting as well as privileged visiting in the situations that require and justify this level of interaction. Visiting space shall be provided so that at least one-tenth of the facility's capacity can be accommodated at any time. At least 25 square feet per prisoner visiting station shall be provided.
Each entrance of a facility shall be constructed to permit the control room or secure reception area observation and identification of the person(s) seeking admission prior to their gaining access to a security area.
Provision shall be made for the maintenance of a noise level averaging no higher than 65 to 70 decibels in the daytime and 40 to 45 decibels at night for the prisoner living areas. Attention shall be given to restrict noise levels in one area of the facility from interfering with activities in another area.
All exposed surfaces of the facility's physical plant, equipment, or furnishings utilized therein shall be of materials and construction which provide for cleanability of surfaces without unreasonable effort.
Each prisoner living area shall be provided with a minimum of six cubic feet of storage space per prisoner.
All hot water to prisoner showers and washbasins shall be tempered to 105 degrees Fahrenheit to 120 degrees Fahrenheit.
All facilities shall be designed and provided with necessary equipment to maintain temperatures in prisoner living areas between 65 and 71 degrees Fahrenheit during winter months and between 66 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during summer months.
Nonskid, nonslip flooring shall be provided on all stairways, ramps, and shower floors.
Smoke and heat detection equipment shall be provided in all facilities.
The use of closed-circuit television equipment shall be approved by the department on an individual case basis upon review of the facility design concept and staffing plan. Closed-circuit television equipment shall not be approved for usage in situations where the department has determined that the usage of same is inconsistent with proper security practices, the legal rights of prisoners, or is being used in lieu of adequate staff resources.
All cells or detention rooms shall have a minimum ceiling height of eight feet. All dormitories designed for a capacity of ten or more prisoners shall have a minimum ceiling height of nine feet.
All eating areas outside of cells or detention rooms shall be visually apart from toilet and shower facilities.
Minimum security areas of the facility shall be adequately separated from other areas of the facility with more stringent security classifications.
Isolation areas shall be located so that all prisoners, regardless of classification or sex, may have access without violating privacy and security requirements.
Jails and adult corrections facilities shall provide space designed to conduct constructive programmed activities that can include outsiders in areas other than the living areas of the facility without compromising the security and control of the facility's operation.
Lockups shall provide at least one multipurpose room that may be used for such purposes as religious services, small group counseling, etc.
Maximum security cells are designed with the intended use being only for adult males classified as dangerous. However, justifiable exceptions will be accepted for all prisoners whose use of such a facility is necessary.
Each facility shall have an auxiliary source of power which is capable of providing light, heat, and communication during a power failure.
Minn. R. agency 121, ch. 2900, pt. 2900.0200
Statutory Authority: MS s 401.03