Section R. 29.5653 - ProhibitionsRule 653. Section 1.7 of the FL/CL code is adopted with the following changes and sections 1.7.1, 1.7.2, 1.7.3, 1.7.4,,,,, and 1.7.5 are added to the FL/CL code as follows:
1.7 Prohibitions. 1.7.1 Upon notification by the bureau a person shall not deliver any liquid into a storage tank system under any circumstances that are prohibited by these rules or if a tank is not in compliance with these rules. The notification may include verbal or written communication or an affixed written notification on the storage tank system.1.7.2 A person shall not tamper with, remove, or disregard written notification affixed to the storage tank system.1.7.3 A storage tank system or practice that is not in compliance with these rules is in violation of these rules.1.7.4 An owner or operator shall not continue to use a storage tank system that is causing a release and shall expeditiously empty the system or the component that is causing the release until the system is repaired or replaced, pursuant to these rules. A leak from the primary tank into the interstice of a new or existing secondary containment tank is not considered a release requiring that the secondary containment tank be emptied, provided all of the following are met: The secondary containment tank is repaired, replaced, or permanently closed within 6 months of discovery of the release. Temporary or permanent liquid tight spill control is provided for the secondary containment tank within 7 days of discovery of the release to the secondary containment tank interstice. There is no release from the outer shell of the secondary containment tank.1.7.5 The bureau may order, at the expense of the owner, a tightness test of the storage tank system when there is reason to believe that the integrity of the storage tank system is compromised.Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.5653