Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.2814

Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 29.2814 - Notice of noncompliance

Rule 14. A firm, owner, qualifying person, or operator of a required fire alarm system or required fire suppression system who is found to have installed, modified, serviced, inspected, or documented a required fire alarm system or required fire suppression system in a manner which is not in compliance with sections 26 to 33 of the act shall be notified, in writing, by the department of consumer and industry services, office of fire safety, of the specific conditions of noncompliance. The firm, owner, qualifying person, or operator who is notified of noncompliance shall, within 10 days after the issuance of the notification of noncompliance, signify, in writing, the intention to correct the condition of noncompliance, stating a date by which the condition of noncompliance will be corrected. The date shall be subject to department of consumer and industry services, office of fire safety, approval. The failure on the part of a firm, an owner, a qualifying person, or an operator who has been notified of a condition of noncompliance to signify in writing the intention to comply within the time limits prescribed in this rule or the failure to correct the condition of noncompliance by the date approved by the department of consumer and industry services, office of fire safety, shall be considered a refusal to comply. A refusal to comply will result in the immediate suspension of the firm's certification and immediate suspension of the status of the qualifying person. The suspension will remain in effect until the certified firm or the qualifying person requests an appeal hearing with the state fire safety board. The state fire safety board may affirm, reverse, or modify the suspension or may revoke the certification of a firm in accordance with section 32 of the act.

Mich. Admin. Code R. 29.2814

1983 AACS; 2003 AACS