Current through Vol. 24-24, January 15, 2025
Section R. 408.41227 - Pump jack scaffoldsRule 1227.
(1) Pump jack brackets, braces, and accessories shall be fabricated from metal plates and angles. Each bracket shall have 2 positive gripping mechanisms to prevent any failure or slippage.(2) A pole shall comply with both of the following provisions: (a) Be secured to the structure by rigid triangular bracing, or equivalent, at the bottom, top, and other points as necessary to provide a maximum vertical spacing of not more than 10 feet between braces. Each brace shall be capable of supporting not less than 225 pounds tension or compression.(b) Be made of 2, 2 by 4s of Douglas fir, or the equivalent, or 2 continuous lengths made of 2 by 4s spiked together, with the seam parallel to the bracket, with 10D common nails at not more than 12 inches center to center, staggered uniformly from opposite outside edges. Each 2 by 4 may be spliced to make up a pole if the splice is constructed to develop the full strength of the member.(3) Where the bracket must pass bracing already installed, an extra brace shall be used approximately 4 feet above the one to be passed until the original brace is reinstalled.(4) If poles are made of wood, then the pole lumber shall be straight-grained and free of shakes, large loose or dead knots, and other defects that might impair strength.Mich. Admin. Code R. 408.41227
1981 AACS; 1990 AACS; 1998-2000 AACS; 2013 AACS; 2016 MR 16, Eff. 8/17/2016