An individual, firm, or corporation may not sell or offer for sale in the State any type of flame-retardant or flame-proofing compound, powder, or liquid, for fire-retardant purposes unless the product has been tested, listed, and bears the mark of a recognized testing laboratory accepted by the State Fire Marshal.
Md. Code Regs.
Regulations .15G amended as an emergency provision effective February 23, 1978 (5:5 Md. R. 332); adopted permanently effective June 2, 1978 (5:11 Md. R. 885)
Regulations .15 adopted effective January 14, 1999 (26:1 Md. R. 25)
Regulations .15 repealed effective August 6, 2001 (28:15 Md. R. 1400)
Regulations .15 adopted effective August 6, 2001 (28:15 Md. R. 1400)