Agency Note: The description of property should include the number, dimensions, type, and location of each class of items mentioned in the petition. For example, the item of "land" should state the area and the location of the property; expenditures for "building construction" should state dimensions of buildings, so that cubical contents may be ascertained, and also give the type of construction, including foundations; a description of plant, machinery, equipment, etc., should be given, including the number and size of each unit, its type, and similar information.
It should also be stated whether the amount proposed to be expended on each item covers the entire cost thereof or whether a portion of the cost has been submitted in a prior statement to the Commission, or may be included in some future statement of expenditure, for which security may be proposed to be issued, and authority asked.
Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .02 amended effective September 21, 1986 (13:19 Md. R. 2122); January 1, 2007 (33:26 Md. R. 1998)
Regulation .02C amended effective March 18, 2013 (40:5 Md. R. 412)