Chapter 13A.12.04 - Specialists
- Section 13A.12.04.01 - Purpose
- Section 13A.12.04.02 - Licenses for Specialists
- Section 13A.12.04.03 - School Counselor
- Section 13A.12.04.04 - Library Media Specialist
- Section 13A.12.04.05 - Pupil Personnel Worker
- Section 13A.12.04.06 - Reading Specialist
- Section 13A.12.04.07 - Reading Teacher
- Section 13A.12.04.08 - Psychometrist
- Section 13A.12.04.09 - School Psychologist
- Section 13A.12.04.10 - Therapists (Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Speech-Language Pathologists, or Audiologists)
- Section 13A.12.04.11 - School Social Worker
- Section 13A.12.04.12 - Gifted and Talented Education Specialist
- Section 13A.12.04.13 - Renewal and Advancement of a Specialist License
- Section 13A.12.04.14 - Individual Professional Development Plans
- Section 13A.12.04.15 - Professional Development Points
- Section 13A.12.04.16 - Repealed