Md. Code Regs.
Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - SafetyA. When moving an oversize or overweight vehicle under the authority of a permit, the permittee or user shall ensure the safety and rights of the public.B. Before crossing narrow bridges or traveling on narrow roads with equipment or a load extending over the center line of the road, the permittee or user shall make arrangements in advance, so that adequate flagpersons, escorts, or police are present to warn and direct approaching traffic.C. Escort. The Unit, the Maryland State Police, or the Maryland Transportation Authority Police may require the permittee to provide one or more escort vehicles to accompany the oversize or overweight vehicle during its move.D. Wide Load or Oversize Load Signs. If the vehicle, together with any load, exceeds 9 feet in width, the permittee shall display wide load or oversize load signs that conform to the specifications under COMAR, on the front and rear of the vehicle.E. A permit vehicle shall maintain a 1/2 mile distance from another permit vehicle traveling in the same direction. Each permit vehicle with escort shall maintain a 1-mile distance from another escorted permit vehicle traveling in the same direction.F. Turn signal flashing warning lamps may be used by the operator of a permit vehicle when the vehicle is traveling 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit.G. To the greatest extent possible, permittees and users shall limit travel to the shortest practical route using interstate and State routes to reduce travel on secondary and local highways. In the case of exceptional hauling permits, permittees shall limit travel to State routes.H. Notwithstanding any other provisions of COMAR 11.04.01-11.04.04, the Administration may include any conditions in a permit that are necessary to protect State highways and bridges or to maintain safety.I. Road and Weather Conditions.(1) The use of a permit is subject to favorable road and weather conditions.(2) Travel is not allowed: (a) On any highway when visibility is limited by atmospheric conditions or travel is made hazardous by weather or other conditions;(b) When the surface of the highway is made hazardous by rain, sleet, snow, or ice, or movement is made hazardous by fog, flood, or wind.(3) If a permitted vehicle is moving when inclement weather occurs, the driver shall proceed to a safe place off the roadway and park the vehicle until the weather clears.(4) During inclement weather, police officers may require that the permitted vehicle be parked off the roadway until conditions warrant safe travel.J. Warning Flags. (1) During daylight hours, permitted vehicles shall display warning flags which are:(a) Red fluorescent or orange fluorescent;(b) At least 18 inches square; and(c) Securely fastened by at least one corner or securely mounted on a staff.(2) Two warning flags placed at the widest extremities of the vehicle or load shall be displayed by permitted vehicles or loads which exceed legal width.(3) Warning flags shall be displayed on permitted vehicles or loads which exceed legal length or which have a rear-end overhang in excess of the legal limit. A single flag shall be displayed at the extreme rear if the overlength or projecting portion is 2 feet wide or less. Two flags shall be displayed at each side of the extreme rear in order to indicate maximum width if the overlength or projecting portion is wider than 2 feet.K. Warning Lights. (1) Permitted vehicles shall display warning lights if operating at night.(2) Overwidth Loads.(a) For overwidth loads which are uniform in width, amber lights shall be displayed on the forward corners of the load and red lights shall be displayed on the rear corners of the load.(b) For loads which are overwidth for their entire length with a wider portion near the middle of the load, either amber or red lights shall be displayed at the front and rear corners of the load and amber lights shall be displayed on the sides of the load at the widest point.(c) For loads which are not uniform in width with the overwidth portion of the load at the extreme rear of the load, red lights shall be displayed on the side of the load at its widest point.(d) For loads which are not uniform in width with the overwidth portion of the load at the front of the load, amber lights shall be displayed on the side of the load at its widest point.(3) Overlength Loads. For overlength loads with a rear overhang exceeding 4 feet, two red lights shall be displayed on the end of the overhang portion of the load, along with one red light on each side of the overhanging portion of the load.Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .03B, G amended, I adopted, effective June 11, 1990 (17:11 Md. R. 1344)
Regulation .03G, H amended effective March 22, 2010 (37:6 Md. R. 479)
Regulation .03 amended effective March 25, 1996 (23:6 Md. R. 477)
Regulation .03C amended effective February 1, 1998 (25:2 Md. R. 76)