Md. Code Regs.
Current through Register Vol. 52, No. 1, January 10, 2025
Section - Aircraft RegulationsA. Negligent Operations Prohibited. Aircraft may not be operated: (1) At the Airport in a careless or negligent manner;(2) In disregard of the rights and safety of others;(3) Without due caution and circumspection; or(4) At a speed or in a manner which endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property.B. Compliance with Orders. (1) Aeronautical activities shall conform to the current applicable provisions of the Federal Aviation Administration regulations and orders, applicable State law, these regulations, and orders issued by the Administration, the Airport Director, or an air traffic controller on duty in the control tower.(2) All aircraft operated from the Airport, except aircraft specifically exempt from these requirements by law, shall be registered with the Federal Aviation Administration and shall have a Federal Aviation Administration certificate of airworthiness.(3) The owner of an aircraft based or hangared at the Airport may not operate or allow the operation of that aircraft without a liability insurance policy in force which covers the owner and the pilot for claims by passengers or other persons for injuries to them and their property which might arise out of the operation of the aircraft.(4) The liability insurance policy shall provide coverage for at least $50,000 bodily injury per individual, $100,000 bodily injury per accident, and $50,000 property damage protection.C. Denial of Use of Airport. The Executive Director may deny the use of the Airport to any pilot in violation of these regulations and shall have the authority to close the Airport or any portion of it to air operations or to any specific aircraft or class of aircraft if, in the Executive Director's opinion, the use of the Airport by the aircraft might endanger persons or property or jeopardize the operational efficiency of the Airport.D. Aircraft Accidents.(1) A person operating an aircraft who is involved in an accident on the Airport, resulting in injury to any person or damage to any property, shall, if physically able: (a) Stop the aircraft at the scene of the accident or as close as possible to it without obstructing other aircraft operations or motor vehicle traffic more than necessary;(b) Notify the Airport Director and the Federal Aviation Administration;(c) Then return to and remain at the scene of the accident until he has given a full report of it to the investigating official;(d) Upon request, exhibit to the investigating officer any permit, license, registration, or other document relevant to the accident or the persons or property involved.(2) A person operating an aircraft who is involved in an accident on the Airport, and the owner of the aircraft, if other than the operator, shall, if physically able, make a full written report of the accident to the Airport Director within 24 hours after the accident, or as soon as possible thereafter, including: (a) The names and addresses of the persons involved;(b) The registration and license number of the aircraft involved;(c) The name of the insurance company shown on the liability insurance policy, and the policy or binder number; and(d) Any other information relevant to the accident.(3) A person may not remove from the scene of the accident an aircraft involved in an accident on the Airport until permitted to do so by the Federal Aviation Administration, the National Transportation Safety Board, and the Administration.(4) A person damaging any airfield lighting equipment or fixtures by means of contact with aircraft shall report the damage to the Airport Director immediately, and shall be fully responsible for the damage.E. Removal of Disabled Aircraft.(1) Aircraft owners, operators, and Airport tenants shall promptly remove disabled aircraft and their parts from the Airport unless required or directed to delay this action by the Administration or a federal agency.(2) A person may not allow a disabled aircraft to block a runway unnecessarily. When a disabled aircraft is blocking or delaying the opening or use of any portion of a runway, the owner or operator of the aircraft shall make immediate arrangements to have the aircraft moved as soon as the Administration and all appropriate governmental agencies have cleared the move. If that action to remove the aircraft is not initiated as soon as is reasonably possible, or is not progressing at a reasonable rate, the Airport Director may initiate action to have the aircraft moved at the expense and risk of the owner.F. Enplaning and Deplaning. A person may not enplane or deplane passengers or cargo at the Airport, except in specific areas designated by the Administration.G. Cleaning and Maintaining Aircraft. A person may not clean, paint, wash, polish, or otherwise maintain an aircraft at the Airport except in areas and under the conditions designated for this purpose by the Administration.H. Refusal of Clearance. The Executive Director may prohibit aircraft operations at the Airport when circumstances are considered likely to endanger persons or property, or for any other justifiable reason. The Executive Director or the Airport Director shall have the authority to issue a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) to close or open the Airport, or any portion of it.I. Aircraft Equipment. Aircraft may not be operated on the Airport, other than a helicopter, unless it is equipped with a tail or nose wheel, and wheel brakes. Any exception shall be authorized by the Airport Director with proper procedural instructions.J. Landing and Taking Off. (1) A person may not land an aircraft at, or take off an aircraft from, the Airport except on the runway or helipad and in the direction assigned and upon clearance obtained from the control tower. A person operating aircraft not requiring a runway, such as a helicopter, shall strictly conform to the air traffic instructions given by the control tower.(2) A person may not land an aircraft at, or take off an aircraft from, the Airport other than in conformity with the air traffic instructions given by the control tower.(3) A person may not land an aircraft on, or take off an aircraft from, an unserviceable runway at the Airport or from any ramp area or taxiway.(4) All persons operating aircraft in the Airport Class "D" airspace as described in the Airman's Information Manual shall conform to the current established traffic patterns and procedures promulgated jointly by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Airport Director.(5) Simulated emergencies which require special handling by the control tower are prohibited within the Airport Class "D" airspace as described in the Airman's Information Manual.K. Airport Marking and Lighting. A person may not operate an aircraft at the Airport, unless he obeys all Airport lighting and pavement marking signals.L. Motorless Aircraft. A person may not land at, or take off from, the Airport in a motorless aircraft without first obtaining permission from the Airport Director and clearance from the control tower.M. Experimental Flights, Demonstrations, and Stunt Flying.(1) A person may not conduct experimental flights or ground demonstrations of flight equipment on the Airport without the previous approval of the Airport Director.(2) A person may not perform or conduct stunt flying or air acrobatics at the Airport, except for public displays of aviation flight authorized by the Executive Director or Airport Director.N. Starting and Running Aircraft Engines.(1) Starting, running, or operating an aircraft at the Airport by any person other than FAA certificated pilots or mechanics, is prohibited.(2) A person may not start an aircraft engine at the Airport unless blocks or chocks are placed in front of the wheels or the aircraft is provided with adequate brakes and they are in applied position.(3) A person may not operate an aircraft engine at the Airport other than in places designated for these purposes by the Administration.(4) A person may not warm-up or run-up jet or turboprop engines at the Airport other than in those areas and at those times designated by the Administration. A jet or turboprop engine may not be run-up for maintenance purposes at the Airport between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m., except in an emergency, and with the previous approval of the Airport Director.(5) A person may not leave an aircraft unattended with engines running or being tested.O. Radio Ground Control. A person may not taxi or tow an aircraft at the Airport unless that person monitors the ground control frequency being used by the control tower and remains in direct communication with the control tower at all times while so operating anywhere within the Airport movement area under the active control of the control tower.P. Propeller Slipstream and Jet Blast. A person may not position, start, or run-up engines, or taxi an aircraft in such a manner that propeller slipstream or jet blast could cause injury to persons, scatter debris, or damage property on the Airport or in areas adjacent to the Airport.Q. Taxiing.(1) A person may not taxi an aircraft at the Airport until he has ascertained that there is no danger of collision with any person or object in the immediate area.(2) A person may not taxi an aircraft at the Airport except at a safe and reasonable speed.(3) A person may not taxi an aircraft at the Airport in an aircraft movement area other than according to instructions of the control tower.R. Aircraft Parking.(1) A person may not park an aircraft anywhere on the Airport in such a position as to block access through hangar doors, unless this action is approved by the Airport Director or the operator having jurisdiction over these hangars.(2) A person may not use any area of the Airport, other than the public aircraft parking and storage areas, for parking and storage of aircraft, except as otherwise specifically approved by lease or otherwise. If a person uses these areas for aircraft parking and storage, the Airport Director shall order the aircraft removed at the risk and expense of the owner.(3) A person may not park an aircraft on a public aircraft parking area at the Airport other than according to the procedures and rate schedule established by the Administration.(4) A person may not park and leave any aircraft without the aircraft being tied down properly and the landing gear chocked with wheel blocks or other approved devices, except as otherwise approved by the Airport Director.(5) A person may not load cargo on or unload cargo from an aircraft, except in designated areas or in areas totally contained within an established leasehold approved for this activity.S. Aircraft Lights. A person may not taxi an aircraft at the Airport in unlighted or poorly lighted areas, during periods of low visibility (less than 3 miles), or between the hours of sunset and sunrise, unless the navigational lights of the aircraft are kept lighted while the aircraft is taxied.T. Removal of Passengers from Aircraft. A person may not create a nuisance or a threat to persons, property, or aircraft operations while aboard an aircraft at the Airport. At the request of the owner or operator of this aircraft, law enforcement officers may forcibly remove the person from the aircraft.U. Derelict Aircraft.(1) A person may not abandon any aircraft anywhere on the Airport. The Airport Director may remove any abandoned aircraft from the Airport at the sole risk and expense of the owner or operator of the aircraft.(2) A person may not store or keep aircraft parts or components being held as inventory anywhere on the Airport other than in an enclosed facility approved by the Administration.V. Damage to Airport. The owner or operator of any aircraft which by reason of any type of accident, crash, or fire, or which by reason of malfunction or operation, causes any damage to Airport property, shall be responsible to the Administration for the damage. The amount of the damage shall be ascertained by the Executive Director, who shall make demand upon the owner or operator for payment of the damage.W. Based Aircraft. (1) A person may not base an aircraft, personal or company-owned, at the Airport, unless a written agreement has been obtained from the Administration or a fixed-base operator.(2) Persons basing aircraft used for hire or other commercial purposes are required to have a written agreement with the Administration.X. Unauthorized Maintenance. Except as provided in Regulation .03C of this chapter, a person may not perform maintenance on transient, based, or leased aircraft on the Airport premises without a written agreement with the Administration.Md. Code Regs.
Regulation .02 amended effective November 20, 1995 (22:23 Md. R. 1802); January 12, 2009 (36:1 Md. R. 22)
Regulation .02N, Q amended effective October 16, 2000 (27:20 Md. R. 1840)