99-346-29 Me. Code R. § 10
MaineHousing will set forth selection and approval criteria germane to a particular Program in the applicable Program Guide. Such criteria may include but are not limited to the following:
* how well a Development meets the objectives of the Program;
* the use of resources other than MaineHousing's resources in the Development;
* the length of commitment to affordability of the Development;
* the length of commitment to a particular use of the Development;
* the reasonableness of costs;
* the efficiency of the use of proposed non-interest bearing resources;
* financial feasibility of the Development;
* income targeting;
* community preference and support;
* support of a state agency;
* the need for the Development;
* the capacity of the Development Team;
* the capacity of the Applicant to own and operate;
* extent of tenant displacement; and
* other criteria required by a funding source or established by MaineHousing.
99-346 C.M.R. ch. 29, § 10