Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 229-310-7 - ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL HAUL ROUTE OVERLIMIT PERMIT1. Conditioned on the execution of the Memorandum of Agreement and Project Financing Agreement, motor carriers operating overweight trucks can apply to the Overlimit Permit Unit of the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles for Special Haul Route Overlimit Permits.2.COMMUNICATIONSA. All written communications and documents should be addressed to the "Bureau of Motor Vehicles, Motor Carrier Services - Overlimit Permit Unit, 29 State House Station, Augusta, Maine, 04333-0029."B. All communications and documents are deemed to be officially received when delivered to the Overlimit Permit Unit at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles' Main Office, 101 Hospital St, Augusta, Maine.C. The contact information for the Overlimit Permit Unit is as follows: 1) Telephone: (207) 624-9000 ext. 52134or TTY: 877-456-81953) Email: overpermits@maine.gov2.PAYMENTS AND REMITTANCESA. Remittances must be in the form of a money order, bank draft, or credit card authorization (please see restrictions below). Money orders and checks should be made payable to the Maine Secretary of State.B. Personal checks will be accepted subject to collection.C. The Bureau will accept a VISA or Master Card payment. Credit cards issued by other vendors can only be accepted if processed through a third party vendor (ComChek). Transactions processed through the third party vendor will incur aprocessing fee.D. All remittances must be in U.S. currency.E. Cash payments will be accepted from walk-in customers. Remittances in currency are wholly at the risk of the remitter. The Bureau assumes no responsibility for any loss of currency sent by mail.F. In the event that a check is returned for insufficient funds or for any reason, the registrant's right to operate commercial vehicles in the State of Maine will be suspended. The Overlimit Permit Unit will not accept any additional applications until the permittee has completely satisfied the delinquency and associated reinstatement fees.G. A permittee who has had a check returned for any reason will be required to pay all subsequent fees with certified funds.3.LEGAL NAME AND ADDRESSA. The legal name listed on the application for a Special Haul Route Overlimit Permit must be consistent with the legal name provided on other applications for motor carrier credentials as well as with any applicable state and federal filings (for example: a state corporate filing). The applicant may be required to rectify any legal name discrepancies before a CWL permit will be processed.B. Applicants must provide a contact name, phone number, and business address. If the address is a rural route, the applicant must include a box number.C. An application for a permit without sufficient name, address, or contact information may be returned to the applicant for completion prior to processing the application.4.NAME AND ADDRESS CHANGESA.Name Change1) Any change in name will require written notification of the change within 30days of the change.2) Notification must be made in writing or by other means approved by the Secretary of State, to the Overlimit Permit Unit.3) A permittee may change their name from an individual to a newly formed corporation provided there is no change in ownership or control of the company.4) When a permittee is a motor carrier required to file census information with the FMCSA, the name change notification must be submitted in conjunction with an updated Form MCS-150 reporting the name change.B.Address Change1) A carrier must report any changes to its principal place of business or mailing address within 30 days of the change.2) Notification must be madein writing or by other means approved by the Secretary of State, to the Overlimit Permit Unit.3) When a permittee is a motor carrier required to file census information with the FMCSA, the address change notification must be submitted in conjunction with an updated Form MCS-150 reporting the address change.5.LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONSA. Violation of any statute, ordinance, rule, or regulation of the State, any State agency or political subdivision of the State, or operation beyond the scope of the permit is unlawful. The motor carrier must comply with all statutory provisions and regulations as to permits, vehicle registrations, fuel tax, vehicle equipment, and operation. Failure to comply with all motor vehicle-related laws and rules may result in the denial of future permit requests.B. A permit is invalidated by the violation of any condition specified by the terms of the permit or by false information given on the application. On evidence of such violation or falsification, the motor carrier may be denied additional permits.C. A permit will be denied to a motor carrier with an unsatisfactory safety rating, as determined by the FMCSA.D. An applicant may be denied the issuance of permits based on their failure to appear in court to answer any motor vehicle summons or failure to pay a fine, or for any other motor vehicle-related infractions.6.SPECIAL HAUL ROUTE OVERLIMIT PERMIT APPLICATIONA. The applicant must be a motor carrier.B. The applicant shall make a vehicle-specific and route-specific application consisting of five parts: permit information; motor carrier information; vehicle information; fee calculation; and the applicant's name and signature. The Secretary may accept applications by mail, fax, e-mail, or in person at the BMV Main Office, 101 Hospital St, Augusta, Maine.1)Permit Information(a) Permit type (new, renewal, or transfer).(c) Permit Effective Date.(d) Permit Expiration Date.2)Motor Carrier Information(b) Principal street and mailing addresses.(c) USDOT Number. The applicant must provide the USDOT Number issued by FMCSA to the legal name on the application. The USDOT Number must be an active, interstate number in good standing with FMCSA as reported on MCMIS.(f) Contact name of an officer, owner, or person duly authorized to conduct business on behalf of the applicant.(g) Principal telephone number where the applicant can be reached.(h) Fax number to receive a permit if paying a fax fee.3)Vehicle Information(a) Registrant's name, if different from the applicant.(b) Estimated number of trips. The applicant must estimate the anticipated number of trips by vehicle over the permit's term. This estimate will be used for statistical purposes only.(c) Power unit registration plate number and jurisdiction; make; year; and VIN.(1) Maine registered weight or Maine apportioned weight must be 100,000 pounds.(d) Vehicle configuration.4)Fee Calculation(a) The applicant must indicate the total fee they are intending to pay based on permit type, vehicle configuration, and permit term.(b) If paying with a credit card, this section must include a credit card number; credit card expiration date; card holder's printed name; and card holder's signature.5)Signature(a) Except as otherwise provided, all permit applications must be signed.(b) Anyone signing an application must also disclose their position title in which is vested the authority to sign the application.(c) If the motor carrier is an individual, the application must be signed by that individual.(d) If the motor carrier is a corporation, the application must be signed by a corporate officer or an employee duly authorized to act in an administration capacity on behalf of the corporation.(e) Notwithstanding the above, an authorized agent exercising power of attorney may sign on behalf of the motor carrier. A copy of the document authorizing the power of attorney must be on file with the Overlimit Permit Unit.17-229 C.M.R. ch. 310, § 7