17-229-206 Me. Code R. § 5

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Section 229-206-5 - Distance to Services

The maximum distance a service is located from the end of an off-ramp in order to qualify for logo signing shall be 3 miles for gas, food, lodging and camping, distances for attractions are as shown in Table 1 - GUIDELINE CRITERIA FOR SIGNING ATTRACTIONS. In the event that no service providing gas, food, lodging or camping is available within this distance, the Department may extend the distance in 3-mile increments up to 15 miles until an eligible service is located.

The distance to gas, food, lodging, camping or attraction services shall be measured by computing the travel length from the terminal of an exit ramp to the nearest point along the public highway where the nearest existing driveway entrance to the service is reached. Driveway length and width shall not be considered when making such distance computations.

If the service is not located on the route the interchange serves, the service will need to apply to the Department's Official Business Directional Sign (OBDS) program for continuity signs in order to be eligible for a logo sign.

17-229 C.M.R. ch. 206, § 5