For purposes of determining eligibility and benefit level the income already received during the certification period and any income which can be reasonably anticipated during the remainder of the certification period is taken into account. If the amount of income anticipated or month of receipt is uncertain, that portion of the household's income which is uncertain is not counted. For example, a household anticipating income from a new source, such as a new job or pending TANF benefits, may not be sure of the timing or amount of the first payment. Such income is not anticipated unless there is reasonable certainly concerning the month in which it will be received and what the amount will be. When the exact amount is not known, only that portion of it which can be anticipated with reasonable certainty is considered as income.
NOTE: For households with members who are funded by Federal and State funds, see Section 44411.
The best estimate of income is based on the recipient's and the Department's reasonable expectations and knowledge of current, past and future circumstances. The best estimate of income, is based on the concepts of significant and non-significant income changes and the income averaging techniques described below. The method of determining the best estimate of income must be clearly documented in the case record.
The steps below are followed to determine the best estimate of income.
If not all pay stubs for the four week period are available, but the gross income can be verified for each pay interval through year-to-date information, the four week period's income is deemed to be verified.
NOTE: If income does not fluctuate it is not necessary to average the income.
10-144 C.M.R. ch. 301, § 500-FS 555-1