10-144-243 Me. Code R. § 1001.0

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
1001.1Minimum requirements: No person shall dispose of wastewater by means of a subsurface wastewater disposal system, unless the lot meets the minimum lot size and frontage requirements in this Code.
1001.1.1Single-family dwelling units: A lot on which a single-family dwelling unit is located shall contain at least 20,000 square feet. If the lot abuts a lake, pond, stream, river, or tidal area, it shall have a minimum frontage of 100 feet on the water body and any greater frontage required by local zoning. For purposes of this Code, a single-family residential unit shall be determined to be 300 gallons per day of wastewater.
1001.1.2Other land use activities: Other land uses that generate wastewater shall require a lot containing at least 20,000 square feet and 100 feet of frontage for every 300 gallons per day of wastewater generated by the use. For wastewater generated in excess of 300 gallons per day the lot shall be in the proportion of 20,000 square feet and 100 feet of frontage for every 300 gallons per day. Determine the minimum lot size and frontage required based on the requirements in this Section.
1001.1.2.1Multiple unit housing: For multiple unit housing, calculate the daily wastewater flows based on 120 gallons per bedroom per day.
1001.1.2.2Other new land uses: For other new land use activities, calculate the daily wastewater flows based on the design flow requirements prescribed in Table 1.
1001.1.2.3Other existing land uses: For other existing land use activities, calculate the daily wastewater flows based on the design flow requirements prescribed in Table 1 or actual water meter readings as set forth in Section 1002.0.

10-144 C.M.R. ch. 243, § 1001.0