C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. I, § 144-101-I-1, subsec. 144-101-I-1.10

Current through 2024-52, December 25, 2024
Subsection 144-101-I-1.10 - SUBMISSION OF CLAIMS
A. Charges to the Department for services provided under MaineCare are to be submitted only on original claims approved by MaineCare Services, or in the electronic format approved by MaineCare Services. The MaineCare Services web site contains information pertaining to billing instructions. MaineCare providers must include their NPI on all MaineCare claims.
B. Claims based on orders or referral from Non-Billing, Ordering, Prescribing and Referring Providers (NOPR) will be denied if the NOPR is not enrolled with MaineCare, and if the claim does not submit the NPI of the MaineCare NOPR.
1.10-2Time Limits for Submission of Claims

The following time limits apply unless waived under special circumstances by the Department. Providers have one (1) year from the date services are provided to file a claim correctly with the Department, regardless of when eligibility is verified, except claims for services provided before September 1, 2010 must be filed correctly within one (1) year from the date services are provided or by January 31, 2011, whichever is sooner. Since it is the responsibility of providers to verify eligibility, members may not be billed for covered services that have been denied by the Department for exceeding this time limit for claims submission because the provider did not verify eligibility. The time limit in this paragraph may be exceeded only as follows:

A. If eligibility for MaineCare is determined after a service is provided, providers have one (1) year from the date that MaineCare eligibility was granted to bill the Department.
B. In cases involving other insurance carriers or Workers' Compensation, claims

must be filed correctly within one (1) year from the date on the carrier's explanation of benefits.

1.10-3Methods of Claims Submission
A.Original Paper Claims

It is extremely important and necessary that all paper claims be accurate, complete and legible. Only typed original claims or computer generated original claims with information clearly entered within the required information fields are acceptable for processing. All attachments must be on eight and one-half .5) by eleven (11) inch (81/2x11) paper. Providers must follow billing instructions issued by the Department. All claims are computer processed, and any mistakes may substantially delay processing. All claims must be signed and dated by the provider, or by an employee so authorized by the provider. Computer generated authorization or a stamped signature is also acceptable.

The provider must assume full responsibility for the accuracy of the invoice even when submitted by the provider's office. Any claim lacking clear authorization will be rejected (refer to Section 1.11-3) without payment.

B.Direct Data Entry (DDE)

Providers may submit claims directly into the claims processing system via a HIPAA-compliant web portal using Direct Data Entry (DDE). When DDE is used, providers will have the ability to identify and correct certain errors at the time the claim is entered, notwithstanding other provisions of this Chapter. Providers can obtain access to this portal at https://mainecare.maine.gov/Default.aspx .

C.Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Providers may submit claims using an 837 HIPAA format for submission of electronic claims. Refer to both the Implementation Guide and Companion Guide for MaineCare-specific submittal instructions at https://mainecare.maine.gov/ProviderHomePage.aspx.

C.M.R. 10, 144, ch. 101, ch. I, § 144-101-I-1, subsec. 144-101-I-1.10