C.M.R. 06, 096, ch. 401, app 096-401-A

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025

1.Earthworks Testing Document

A.Introduction. This document applies to new landfill, landfill expansion and landfill closure projects involving earthworks construction. Earthworks covered by this document include barrier layers, drainage layers, and gas transmission layers. The owner/designer should recognize that this document cannot account for all site and soils conditions and that site-specific factors may require this document to be modified for an individual project. Earthworks have been broken down into basic subject areas, and recommended ASTM test methods and associated testing frequencies have been indicated. In cases where a certain ASTM test method is generally recommended, the particular methodology has been highlighted with the symbol [TICK] . For barrier soil layers, the recommended tests are intended for both clay and till soils. Sampling of some till soils is difficult, therefore, the testing program may need to be modified accordingly. The intent of the testing program must remain intact.

This document is not directly applicable to earthworks projects utilizing test pads. Department staff should be consulted for applicable guidance on test pad construction projects. Table 2 is provided as a summary of the testing program contained in the narrative of this document.

B.Borrow Source Characterization. Borrow source characterization is performed on the material while it is still in place at the borrow site. The necessary samples are obtained by digging test pits and/or drilling borings. The samples must have appropriate horizontal and vertical distribution to ensure that representative data will be obtained. The soil samples are tested and analyzed in the laboratory to establish that the borrow source is capable of meeting the project specifications and that an adequate quantity of material exists.

(1)Barrier soil material

(a) moisture-density relationship frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 698-91 (Standard proctor)

ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified proctor)

(b) Atterburg limits frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 4318-93

(c) Remolded hydraulic conductivity testing frequency 1/5000 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 5084-90 (Flexible wall permeameter)

(d) Grain size analysis frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

ASTM D 422-63 (Hydrometer analysis)

ASTM D 1140-92 (Soil washing method)

ASTM D 421-85 (Dry preparation of soil samples)

ASTM D 2217-85 (Wet preparation of soil samples)

(e) Moisture content frequency 1/500 cubic yards

ASTM D 2216-92 (Oven dry method)

ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear method)

ASTM D 4643-93 (Microwave oven method)

(2)Drainage or gas layer material

(a) Moisture-density relationship* frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 698-91 (Standard proctor)

ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified proctor)

(b) Remolded hydraulic conductivity testing frequency 1/5000 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 2434-68 (Constant head permeameter)

(c) Grain size analysis frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

ASTM D 422-63 (Hydrometer analysis)

ASTM D 1140-92 (Soil washing method)

ASTM D 421-85 (Dry preparation of soil samples)

ASTM D 2217-85 (Wet preparation of soil samples)

(d) Moisture content* frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

ASTM D 2216-92 (Oven dry method)

ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear densometer method)

ASTM D 4643-93 (Microwave oven method)

C.Borrow Source Construction Testing. Borrow source construction testing is performed as the material is being excavated and transported to the project site during construction. This testing is performed in order to ensure the consistency of the borrow source material being excavated, and is intended to enhance and confirm testing performed earlier during the borrow source characterization.

(1)Barrier soil material

(a) Moisture-density relationship frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 698-91 (Standard proctor)

ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified proctor)

(b) Grain size analysis frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

ASTM D 422-63 (Hydrometer analysis)

ASTM D 1140-92 (Soil washing method)

ASTM D 421-85 (Dry preparation of soil samples)

ASTM D 2217-85 (Wet preparation of soil samples)

(c) Moisture content frequency 1/500 cubic yards

ASTM D 2216-92 (Oven dry method)

ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear method)

ASTM D 4643-93 (Microwave oven method)

(2)Drainage or gas layer material

(a) Moisture-density relationship* frequency 1/2500 cubic yards

[TICK] ASTM D 698-91 (Standard proctor)

ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified proctor)

(b) Grain size analysis frequency 1/1000 cubic yards

ASTM D 422-63 (Hydrometer analysis)

ASTM D 1140-92 (Soil washing method)

ASTM D 421-85 (Dry preparation of soil samples)

ASTM D 2217-85 (Wet preparation of soil samples)

(c) Moisture Content* frequency 1/500 cubic yards

ASTM D 2216-92 (Oven dry method)

ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear method)

ASTM D 4643-93 (Microwave oven method)

D.In-place construction testing. This testing is intended to verify that the material that has been placed at the project site meets the applicable construction specifications. These tests demonstrate the success of the actual construction techniques and borrow source material utilized.

(1)Barrier soil material

(a) Density testing frequency 9/acre/lift (liner and cover)

ASTM D 1556-90 (Sand cone method)

ASTM D 2167-84 (Rubber balloon method)

[TICK] ASTM D 2922-81 (Nuclear method)

(b) Moisture content frequency 9/acre/lift (liner and cover)

[TICK] ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear method)

frequency 1 per 9 nuclear method tests

[TICK] ASTM D 2216-92 (Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content)

(c) Undisturbed hydraulic conductivity frequency 5/acre/lift (liner); 3/acre/lift (cover)

[TICK] ASTM D 5084-90 (Flexible wall permeameter)

(d) Thickness frequency 5/acre/lift

No applicable ASTM standard

(e) Lift interface bonding and soil remolding (clod breakup) frequency 5/acre/lift

No applicable ASTM standard

(2)Drainage or gas layer material

(a) Density testing* frequency 5/acre/lift

ASTM D 1556-90 (Sand cone method)

ASTM D 2167-84 (Rubber balloon method)

[TICK] ASTM D 2922-81 (Nuclear method)

(b) Moisture content* frequency 5/acre/lift

[TICK] ASTM D 3017-88 (Nuclear method)

(c) Remolded hydraulic conductivity frequency 5/acre/lift

[TICK] ASTM D 2434-68 (Constant head permeameter)

(d) Thickness frequency 5/acre/lift

No applicable ASTM standard

*NOTE: Leachate collection and cover system drainage systems may not require moisture content and density testing. Typically a high degree of control over compaction is not a desired feature for these systems, therefore testing would not need to include moisture content and density tests. If compaction to a specified density is a required feature for these systems, then moisture content and density testing are required. Leak detection and cover system gas transmission systems generally require controlled compaction in order to provide a firm base to construct barrier soil systems on, therefore moisture content and density testing are required for these systems.

Table 2

Type of TestingTestRecommended ASTM Test MethodFrequency of Testing
1. Borrow Source Characterization
A. Barrier Soil Moisture-Density D 698-91 1/2500 cubic yards
Atterburg Limits D 4318-93 1/2500 cubic yards
Remolded Hydraulic Conductivity D 5084-90 1/5000 cubic yards
Grain Size Analysis 1/2500 cubic yards
Moisture Content 1/500 cubic yards
B. Drainage or Gas Layer Moisture-Density* D 698-91 1/2500 cubic yards
Remolded Hydraulic Conductivity D 2434-68 1/5000 cubic yards
Grain Size 1/2500 cubic yards
Moisture Content* 1/2500 cubic yards
2. Borrow Source Construction Testing
A. Barrier Soil Moisture-Density D 698-91 1/2500 cubic yards
Grain Size 1/2500 cubic yards
Moisture Content 1/500 cubic yards
B. Drainage or Gas Layer Moisture-Density* D 698-91 1/2500 cubic yards
Grain Size 1/1000 cubic yards
Moisture Content* 1/500 cubic yards
3. In-Place Construction Testing
A. Barrier Soil Density D 2922-81 9/acre/lift
Moisture Content D 3017-88 9/acre/lift
Moisture Content D 2216-92 1/9 Nuclear Method tests
Undisturbed Hydraulic Conductivity D 5084-90 5/acre/lift (liner) and 3/acre/lift (cover)
Thickness 5/acre/lift
Lift Interface Bonding and Soil Remolding 5/acre/lift
B. Drainage or Gas Layer Density* D 2922-81 5/acre/lift
Moisture Content* D 3017-88 5/acre/lift
Remolded Hydraulic conductivity D 2434-68 5/acre/lift
Thickness 5/acre/lift

C.M.R. 06, 096, ch. 401, app 096-401-A