C.M.R. 01, 001, ch. 346, § 001-346-3, subsec. 001-346-3-2

Current through 2025-03, January 15, 2025
Subsection 001-346-3-2 - Animals Slaughtered and Processed Under Inspection
A. All animals except poultry slaughtered and processed for sale must have ante mortem and post mortem inspection and must meet the requirements of 9 CFR 313, Humane Slaughter of Livestock, 9 CFR 309, Ante Mortem Inspection, 310 Post Mortem Inspection, and 311 Disposal of Diseased or Otherwise Adulterated Carcasses and Parts.
B. All animals except poultry slaughtered and processed under inspection must be conducted in accordance with these Rules, except as specified in 9 CFR 302, Application of Inspection and Other Requirements and 9 CFR 303, Exemptions.
C. All poultry slaughtered and processed for sale under inspection, must have ante mortem and post mortem inspection and shall meet the requirements of 9 CFR 381, Subpart J, Ante Mortem Inspection, Subpart K, Post Mortem Inspection; Dispositions of Carcasses and Parts.
D. Exempt establishments handling wild game must:
1. Be in accordance with these Rules and 9 CFR 302, Application of Inspection and Other Requirements and 9 CFR 303, Exemptions;
2. Hold, process, identify, and prepare wild game separately from all domestic animal carcasses, meat, meat food or meat food by-products;
3. Label and identify as "wild game" or by the species of wild game, "antelope," "deer," "elk," "moose," "bear," etc.;
4. Store the heads, horns, capes, feet, skins, or any part thereof in closed containers and in a manner that shall not create an offensive condition or odor.
E. A voluntary inspection program administered by the Department and meeting the requirements of the USDA for game animals such as exotic animals (reindeer, elk, deer, antelope, water buffalo, or bison) that are "inspected and passed" in accordance with 9 CFR 352, Exotic Animals Voluntary Inspection, 9 CFR 354, Voluntary Inspection of Rabbits and Edible Products Thereof, and 9 CFR 362, Voluntary Poultry Inspection Regulations shall be performed. As defined in 9 CFR 416 and 417; HACCP and SSOP requirements will be required of the establishment as well.
F. An animal may not be received for sale or service if it is a species of wildlife that is listed in 50 CFR 17, Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants.

C.M.R. 01, 001, ch. 346, § 001-346-3, subsec. 001-346-3-2