Chapter 1 - General Rules
- Section XI-101 - Definitions
- Section XI-102 - Annual License Fees (Repealed)
- Section XI-103 - Annual License Fees (Formerly Section 102)
- Section XI-105 - Conflict of Interest
- Section XI-107 - Use of Drugs
- Section XI-108 - Medical Requirements
- Section XI-109 - Concealment of Disability
- Section XI-111 - Event Coordinator
- Section XI-113 - Financial Reports
- Section XI-115 - Medical Equipment Required
- Section XI-117 - Medical Requirements (Formerly Section 108)
- Section XI-119 - Deposits: Closed Circuit and Pay-per-View Television Re-Broadcasting
- Section XI-121 - Physical Examination of Contestants (Formerly 325)
- Section XI-123 - Ringside Physicians
- Section XI-125 - Health Insurance (Formerly Section 108.B)
- Section XI-126 - Medical Suspensions (Formerly Section 108.C)
- Section XI-127 - Charity Events (formerly Section 343)
- Section XI-129 - Tickets and Sale of Tickets
- Section XI-131 - Penalties and Sanctions
- Section XI-133 - Official Weighing In (Formerly Section 311)
- Section XI-135 - Permits (Formerly Section 117)
- Section XI-137 - Event Approval (Formerly Section 125)
- Section XI-139 - Advertising of Contests
- Section XI-141 - Unauthorized Matchmakers, Promoters, Managers (Formerly Section 133)
- Section XI-143 - Safety (Formerly Section 135)
- Section XI-145 - Safety Zone (Formerly Section 709)
- Section XI-147 - Interference with the Commission
- Section XI-149 - Contestants Apparel and Physical Appearance (Formerly Section 313)
- Section XI-151 - Contestant Age Limits (Formerly Section 305)
- Section XI-153 - Contractual Agreements; Enforcement by the Commission
- Section XI-155 - Conduct in the Ring
- Section XI-157 - Permissible Items in Contestant's Corner (Formerly Section 319)
- Section XI-159 - Timekeepers and Corner Inspectors (Formerly Section 327)
- Section XI-161 - Presence in Dressing Rooms (Formerly Section 347)
- Section XI-163 - Seconds (Formerly Section 341)
- Section XI-165 - Bell (Formerly Section 323)