AD - active duty
AR - Army Regulation
ARNG - Army National Guard
AT - annual training
AWOL - absent without leave
BCD - bad conduct discharge
CID - Criminal Investigation Division
DA - Department of Army, District Attorney
DAF - Department of Air Force
DD - Dishonorable Discharge
DOD - Department of Defense
DRU - direct reporting unit
ETS - expiration term of service
F & AO - ( MilPay)
GCM - General Court-Martial
GCMCA - General Court-Martial Convening Authority
IO - investigating officer
JA - judge advocate
JAGC - Judge Advocate Generals' Corps
LA ANG - Louisiana Air National Guard
LAARNG - Louisiana Army National Guard
LCMJ - Louisiana Code of Military Justice (R.S. 29:101-242)
MCM - Manual for Courts-Martial, United States, as amended
M.R.E. - Military Rules of Evidence, contained within the MCM
MOS - Military Occupational Specialty
MPRJ - Military Personnel Records Jacket
MUTA - Multiple Unit Training Assembly
NCO - noncommissioned officer
NGB - National Guard Bureau
NJP - non-judicial punishment under LCMJ Article 15
OMPF - official military personnel file
OTH - other than honorable (discharge)
R.C.M. -r ules for courts-martial, contained within the MCM
SCM - summary court-martial
SJA - the state judge advocate
SPCM - special court-martial
SPCMCA - special court-martial convening authority
TAG - the Adjutant General of the State of Louisiana
TJAG - the Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army
UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 U.S. Code, Chapter 47)
U.S.C. - United States Code
La. Admin. Code tit. 41, § II-912