Chapter 7 - ESY Program Planning Guidelines
- Section LVII-701 - Overview
- Section LVII-703 - ESYP Planning Guidelines
- Section LVII-705 - Extended School Year Individualized Education Program (ESY-IEP): Instructions for Use of the ESY-IEP
- Section LVII-707 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Regression-Recoupment Criterion
- Section LVII-709 - Selection of Goal(S) and Objective(S) for Students Eligible by Critical Point of Instruction Criterion
- Section LVII-711 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Self-Injurious Behavior Criterion
- Section LVII-713 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Employment Criterion
- Section LVII-715 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Transition Criterion
- Section LVII-717 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Excessive Absences and Late Entry Criteria
- Section LVII-719 - Selection of Goal(s) and Objective(s) for Students Eligible by Extenuating Circumstances
- Section LVII-721 - A Quick Review-Planning