Chapter 5 - Industrial Ad Valorem Tax Exemption Program
- Section I-501 - Statement of Purpose
- Section I-502 - Definitions
- Section I-503 - Advance Notification; Application
- Section I-505 - Miscellaneous Capital Additions
- Section I-507 - Eligible Property-Buildings and Facilities Used in Manufacturing; Leased Property; Capitalized Materials
- Section I-509 - Integral Parts of the Manufacturing Operation
- Section I-511 - Rehabilitation and Restoration of Property
- Section I-513 - Relocations
- Section I-515 - Used Equipment
- Section I-517 - Ineligible Property
- Section I-519 - Land
- Section I-521 - Inventories
- Section I-523 - Extension of Time
- Section I-525 - Effective Date of Contract; Project Completion Report
- Section I-527 - Affidavit of Final Cost
- Section I-529 - Renewal of Tax Exemption Contract
- Section I-531 - Violation of Rules or Documents; Inspection
- Section I-533 - Reporting Requirements for Changes in Operations
- Section I-535 - Sale or Transfer of Exempted Manufacturing Establishment
- Section I-537 - Reporting to the Parish Assessor
- Subchapter B - ITEP Rules for Projects with Advances Filed on or after February 21, 2024 (§§ I-539 — I-575)