The secretary of administration shall issue permits to employees and officers of the legislative branch for parking in the state lot located at 8th and Harrison Streets, Topeka, whether or not the legislature is in session. The permits shall be issued in accordance with lists provided to the secretary by the director of legislative administrative services. The secretary shall provide when the legislature is in session two hundred (200) parking spaces south of 10th street, and issue permits therefor to employees of the legislative branch in accordance with lists furnished by the director of legislative administrative services. The secretary may also provide parking spaces south of 10th street and issue permits therefor to employees of the executive branch whose main duty assignments are in the state capitol building. The provisions of this article shall apply to parking authorized under this regulation to the same extent as to parking on the statehouse grounds. No fee or other charge shall be made for issuance of any permit to park under authority of this regulation and no contract for such parking shall be made.
Kan. Admin. Regs. § 1-46-20