Iowa Admin. Code r. 751-2.15

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 751-2.15 - Other groups of records

This rule describes groups of records maintained by the commission other than record systems as defined in rule 2.2(17A,22). These records are routinely available to the public. However, the commission's files of these records may contain confidential information designated as confidential by the originator of the records in conformance with Iowa Code chapter 22. In addition, some records may contain information about individuals. All storage is in paper form with those items noted by an asterisk (*) also stored in electronic form. None of the information can be matched, collated or compared.

(1)Rule making. Rule-making records may contain information about individuals making written or oral comments on proposed rules. This information is collected pursuant to Iowa Code section 17A.4. This information is not stored in an automated data processing system.
(2)Commission records. Agendas, minutes and materials presented to the commission are available from the office of the executive director, except these records concerning closed sessions which are confidential under Iowa Code section 21.5 or which are otherwise confidential by law.
(3)Meeting participants. Commission records contain information about people who participate in meetings. This information is collected pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.3. This information is not stored in an automated data processing system.
(4)Publications. News releases, annual reports, project reports, and commission newsletters, for example, are available from the commission offices for public information. Commission news releases, project reports, and newsletters may contain information about individuals, including commission staff or members of the commission, the councils or committees.
(5)Statistical reports. Periodic reports for various commission programs are available from the commission offices for public information.
(6)Published materials. The commission uses many legal and technical publications in its work. The public may inspect these publications upon request. Some of these materials may be protected by copyright law.
(7)Policy manuals. The commission's policy manual, containing the policies and procedures for programs administered by the commission, is available in the office of the commission. Policy manuals do not contain information about individuals.
(8)Assetfiles. Asset management database and inventory database contain a listing of the assets owned by the network.*
(9)Mailing lists/contact lists. Names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of state employees, commission members, officials in government of other states, and members of the general public*, for example, may be used for distribution of informational material, such as newsletters, policy directives or educational bulletins. They are also used to provide contacts for coordination of services or as reference information sources.
(10)Authorized user lists. The network maintains a list of persons authorized to use the network.
(11)Bid/purchasing process. For example, specifications, proposals, bid documents, awards, contracts, agreements, leases, performance bonds, requisitions, purchase orders, supply orders, and correspondence.
(12)Project files. For example, plans, specifications, contracts, studies, drawings, photos, blueprints, requests for services, lease/rental files, and 28E agreements.
(13)Data processing files. For example, operations logs, data base user requests, job number maintenance/update, data entry format book, integrated data dictionary, computer output forms designations, system software, hardware/software documentation and configurations, problem determinations and resolutions records, and incident reports.
(14)Administrative records.
a. Reports: For example, weekly, monthly, annual, biennial, statistical, analysis, and activity.
b. Correspondence: For example, public, interdepartmental, and internal.
c. Policies and procedures.
d. Organizational charts, and table of authorized positions.
e. Memberships: Professional/technical organizations.
f. Planning: Disaster recovery plans, emergency operation plans.
g. Budget and financial records.
h. Accounting records such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, receipts, invoices, claims, vouchers, and departmental billings.
i. Legislative files such as pending bills, enrolled bills, legislative proposals, and copies of amendments.
(15)Other records. All other records that are not exempted from disclosure by law are open.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 751-2.15